~part 2~

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"you wanted to see me?" i asked as i walked up to mrs arnold's desk.

"oh yes, i need your help," she said as she stacked a few papers.

"i'm sure it's not news that i'm retiring within the next few years, but before i leave i want to start a newspaper here," she explained as i nodded.

"the problem is, we would probably need the class president to bring it up, and you're the only one i know that is willing to help me that could possibly make class president." she finished.

"i wasn't even thinking about running," i said with furrowed brows.

"well you should," she said with a laugh.

"how come?"

"y/n you are the most opinionated, argumentative person i know, if anyone can do this it's you, and you'll do a damn good job," she said whispering that last part.

i chuckled before telling her i'd think about it, and heading to my next class. after ap lang i had ap environmental science, but everyone just called it apes for short.

some people last year had convinced me to take it, and i'll admit it did sound fun.

by the time the school day was over, my binder was filled with a syllabus for every class, and even some homework. but i had to head to the auditorium, every first day of school we had a 'welcome meeting' for the new people.

i have gone every single year, and i still remember the strange welcome i received as a freshman. i walked into the auditorium only to be met with a chilly breeze. they always made it cold in here.

"welcome newbies!" i yelled out, only to see all the new kids turn to me.

we all gathered around in a circle, and we just talked for awhile. eventually the theatre teacher, mrs smith, came and sat down with us.

a few minutes in to the meeting my phone rang, and i immediately groaned.

"you know the rules, if you get a call you have to put it on speaker!" she said, teasing me.

i answered it only to see gavi's face pop up on the screen, which made my face turn bright red.

"you okay, your face is a little red amor," he said, with a slight concerned look on his face.

"uh," i said, and a few people chuckled.

"i'm at school right now," i told him.

"i thought school ended for you at four," he said.

"i have a theatre meeting," i said and i turned the camera around so that he could see the 50 or so people in the auditorium. he let out a long oh before telling me he would call me later. after we all laughed about it, but my face was still a little red.

i really miss him, i thought.

just 3 more months.

3 more months then i can see him.

(a/n sorry this one's kinda short)

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