~part 4~

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"i swear i get told nothing in this family," my aunt said.

"so what do you do pablo?" my uncle asked him.

"oh i play football," he said to which i nudged him. "sorry, soccer."

"who do you play for?" my older cousin, abraham asked.

"fc barcelona." he said.

"iconic!" abraham said and he dropped his burger down.

"i know right! like messi was on there!" i exclaimed.

"and dani garcia!" he said excitedly.

"and don't even get me started on xavi hernandez," i squealed.

"remember luis suarez-" he started.

"the guy who bites people!" i finished. and that's when we noticed everyone was starting at us amused, including pablo.

"my bad guys...nerded out a little bit there," i said to which they all chuckled.

"rate your burger out of ten," i told pablo.

"solid 10," he said with a nod.

"texas is good like that," abraham said with a shrug.

"did you know that texas used to be a country?" i asked pablo.

"i think i remember learning that in middle school," he said.

"oh shit i have math homework!" i exclaimed.

"language!" my mom said, and i rolled my eyes.

"maybe i can help you, i already graduated you know," he said, as if he was trying to brag.

"we're you taking college level math?" i asked him.


"exactly," i said with a smug grin.

"smart ass," he mumbled.

"okay guys it's time to go." my mom said.

"yeah guys come on," abraham said.

"shut up," i said with a glare.

"that's not nice." he said, glaring back.

pablo put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. i laughed into him and he kissed the top of my head.

abraham coughed before yelling out, "ship!"

"shut up!" i said.

"i mean he's not wrong," pablo whispered into my ear.

"i hate you," i said, giving him my best death glare.

we got back to my house and i les him up to my room. it wasn't much, it had a bookshelf in the corner and a desk right beside it. my bed was in the other corner, and my nightstand was next to it.

ill admit my room was pretty messy, and it was confirmed when pablo spoke, "i thought people with ocd were neat."

"common misconception," i said as i plopped down on my bed.

i found my backpack on the floor and pulled out my math homework.

"woah," pablo said as he looked at it.

"meh this is the easy unit," i said with a shrug.

it only took me about 20 minutes to finish it, and the whole entire time pablo just sat there admiring me.

"what?" i asked as i put my homework back in my backpack.

"nothing," he said, but he had a stupid grin on his face.

we're only getting older (pablo gavi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now