~part 5~

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a/n i think i've thought of an upload schedule, i'll update this book on wednesdays and saturdays, and i'll update fake on thursdays and sunday's

"ready?" pablo said grasping my hand.

"yep," i said.

"back to barcelona," i muttered enthusiastically.

"when is your first game?" he asked.

"uhm i think january." i answered.

the plane took off soon after, and i leaned on pablo's shoulder. before i knew it we had arrived in barcelona, after many hours of cuddling.

"shit!" i exclaimed as we walked out of the airport.

"what?" pablo asked concerned.

"my family is gonna be out of town for like two days so i can't stay there, and i didn't book a hotel!" i said with a stressed sigh.

"you could stay at my place, if you're comfortable," he suggested and i beamed at him.

"are you sure?" i asked him.

"it would be my pleasure," he said as we got into the cab he had called.

pablo told him the address and i just stared at him with admiration.

"admiring, are we?" he asked when he looked back at me.

"maybe," i said sheepishly.

we arrived at his apartment building a few minutes later, and i cursed under my breath when i remembered how rich my boyfriend was.

"damn," i said as i looked around the main lobby.

"come on," he said, tugging on my arm. he grabbed my luggage and carried it for me, which i was very grateful for.

i followed him to the elevator, and once we arrived to the 4th floor i followed him down a long hallway. he opened the door with his key and i audibly gasped.

"what?" he asked as he set his bags down.

"pablo, this place is freaking huge." i said as i did a full 360 turn.

"eh, it's average," he said and i gave him a look. "well for a footballer."

"so where am i staying?" i asked him.

"in my room of course," as soon as he said that i wanted to side eye him but i decided against it.

"okay," i said and he led me to his room.

"home sweet home," he said.

"ah yes," i said as i plopped down on his bed.

"so what are our plans for this week?" he asked as he lied down.

"hm well i wanna go to your training, to see my besties of course. i was thinking we could go to the beach or something." i suggested.

"yeah sure," he said and he just stared at me.

i noticed something that i hadn't seen before, something different. he literally was looking at me with hearts in his eyes.

i covered my face with my hands and he pulled them away.

"youre so pretty," he whispered.

"thanks," i said, and i could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

"shit it's 10:00pm already," he said looking at the clock.

"what time do you have training?" i asked him.

"7:00, pedris picking me up at 6:30," he told me.

"well i'm coming too," i said excitedly.

"come here," he said as he got under the covers. i'll admit it felt great to cuddle with him again.

after i was sure he was asleep, i could tell by his heavy breathing, i slowly pulled myself out of his arms.

what he didn't know is that i hardly sleep anymore. one night i had to do a ton of homework and forgot to take my sleep meds. i didn't end up sleeping until about 4am. after that the cycle kept repeating.

instead of sleeping i studied, or occasionally i would go to the soccer fields and practice. right now, i decided to study for finals. they were in about a month and i needed to get 100s on all of them.

i had this determination to be the best, i had to be the best. i started with math, since it was a weak subject for me. before i knew it i checked the clock and it was 5:30am.

i quickly crawled back in bed with pablo and waited the 30 minutes until his alarm went off.

"good morning mi amor," he said.

"morning," i said.

"everything okay?" he asked as he hopped out of bed.

"yep," i said. i walked over to my suitcase and got out an outfit.

"ready?" he asked a few minutes later. i nodded and we began to walk out to where pedris car was parked.

"HOLY CRAP! BESTIE?!" pedri said jumping out of the car. i sprinted towards him and tackled him.

"you didn't tell me she was coming," pedri yelled at gavi.

"dang, my bad," pablo said putting his hands up.

"hey bestie!" i said to pedri and he ruffled my hair.

"y'all ready?" he asked and we both nodded.

"shotgun!" i yelled out.

"ugh," pablo groaned as he got into the back seat.

"it's your fault you can't drive," i teased.

"shut up!" he said.

"hey that's not nice!" pedri yelled out.

god i missed barcelona.

we're only getting older (pablo gavi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now