The Vanishing of Will Byers

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"Get Back Here! I'm gonna kill you!" hearing the shouting of your younger brother, as he and his friend Will biked back from their D&D Tournament, you closed the trash bin dumping out scraps from tonight's dinner.

"I'll take you X-Men 134!" Will exclaimed.

"Son of a bitch." Throwing his arms up in defeat you couldn't stifle your laugh.

"Told ya to stop betting your comics out like candy. They're gonna be valuable someday, watch. Also... Language" you scolded Dustin, ruffling his hat after he left his bike next to yours.

"Yeah well he cheated. What's for dinner?"

"Dude you already had pizza! I can smell it in your breath", you both headed into the kitchen as you had just finished putting away leftovers and packing his lunch for tomorrow. "If you want some chicken strips and mashed potatoes with gravy it's on the stove, okay kiddo? I'll be doing my homework in my room!" He replied with a simple cheer since his favorite was your special mashed potatoes with homemade gravy.

In your small home you heard the clinking of Dustin's utensils and the soft voices coming from the living room TV as your mother sat in front of it with her cat Mews. He was a gift from you after you saw him at the shelter you volunteered at. After completing the homework your teachers assigned you for the weekend, it was past 10. Sleep came and went, Monday morning shining through your window way too early for your taste.

After dressing into a simple brown t-shirt and straight leg high waisted jeans paired with red high tops, you topped it off with your signature army jacket. Dustin and you both hopped on the bikes outside riding down the street to the schools. "Ready to fight another day?" Dustin asked as we were about to part ways. "Nope!" I yell riding towards Hawkins High School.

Setting and locking my bike up on the racks, you headed to your locker that was next to Jonathan Byers'. Except he wasn't there to walk you to your first class you shared together. You made a small reminder to call him during break if he didn't show up soon. Walking to class you stumbled into none other than the most annoying but unfortunately most attractive Junior in Hawkins High. You clutched your bag as you stepped away from being so close to his chest.

"Woah, sorry bout that, uh excuse me." he walked by you to get in... the women's bathroom?

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? Little boy's room is down the hall, that way." He turned back and gave you a smug look while still creeping in.

"Yeah ha, um do you mind not telling anyone? Just trying to surprise someone."

You didn't say anything but cross your arms and raise your eyebrow at him.

"Ugh alright look I'm meeting up with someone ,okay? Is that such a crime?" he scratched the back of his head and

"Well first off ew. Second, entering this bathroom kinda is in a way. But if they're alright with it just hope you both are being smart bout it. I'm no snitch..." You turned and headed your way. "I have class."

"Uh... Okay! Well thanks, I owe you doll!" As he snuck poorly back into the bathroom you couldn't help but tense up at what he called you. Not once has he ever called anything but by your last name. You forced yourself to simmer down the flustered blush that was rising and continued to class, putting the thought on the back burner for now.

After class, the minute first break started you headed to the pay phones to dial the Byers residence. By the first ring you heard Jonathan's heavy breathing as if he just ran a mile.

"Hello? Hello? Will?"

"Hey Jonathan... no, sorry. It's me, Y/N. You okay? You weren't in school this morning, is Will okay?" You tried to answer him before he continued his anxious response to the call, and it seemed to help as he took a quick breath.

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