The Flea and The Acrobat

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We exited the car and started our way to the front door, I don't think Jonathan noticed the huge hole on the wall considering he was too focus on why his dad was here. We entered and saw Joyce on the couch next to Lonnie, covered in a thin blanket. The sat up straight surprised to see not just Jonathan but me right behind him.
"What's going on?" He asked, the tension on a thin wire.

Apparently Lonnie was staying over and sleeping on my spot? Great.
"How are you holding up?" Lonnie asked before continuing "Hey (something resembling your name), how are you? Still with this champ, huh?"
"It's Y/N..." I muttered not bothering to correct him on the 'dating' matter.
Jonathan pulled up the blankets on the wall at an attempt to keep the cold out asking what occurred.
"Don't worry about it."
"Mom..." he ignored his dad going over to Joyce "That thing you saw before, did it come back?"
"Jonathan, that's enough"
"Can we talk. Alone."
The two of them walked to his room, I was just hoping Jonathan maintained his cool.

"Hey sweetie, I'm sorry about the mess I-I was.. I-" Joyce stood and was trying to pick stuff up before I stopped her.
"Joyce. Joyce..." I stoped her by touching her upper arm. "It's okay. C'mon... let's take you to bed before you get sick."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't get like this. And- and Jonathan..."
"Joyce. He's okay. Don't worry about him. You need to rest and we understand if you can't come tomorrow for Will, we'll understand."

After setting her down and left her to get ready for bed I was stopped by the hushed voices in Jonathan's room.
"At the funeral tomorrow, just behave." I could hear Lonnie "If not for me, for your mother. And that girl of yours? Make sure she behaves as well. A girl isn't yours if the man she's with can't keep her under control."
"She's not..." Jonathan was interrupted by his dad.
"Take that down. It's inappropriate." He opened the bedroom door and came face to face with me. He was a bit startled and tried to intimidate me to move but I stared at him and held my ground.
"Nice to see you again. See you tomorrow morning?" He spoke as he leaned towards me. I was stunned at what he was doing, that my face gave up the poker face and expressed my uneasiness.
"Lonnie." Jonathan's voice boomed, his tone sent as a warning for him to back off. Lonnie put his hands up and shuffled away. A breathe I wasn't even aware I was holding escaped my body. Jonathan came to my side immediately.

"Hey, it's okay. Come on, you'll sleep in here tonight." He shut the door behind me as I took a seat on his bed. Normally we would both sleep in Will's room and have a sort of slumber party. Other times, when it was just us, we'd watch movies on their television and sleep on the couch.
He let me sleep on his bed while he slept on the floor. I could hear his uneven breathing knowing he was still awake.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Go to bed Jonathan, I'll help you get ready before I head home." I turned on my side and let sleep consume me almost immediately.


We woke up bright and early to get prepared for Will's Funeral Service, both of us too depressed to get ready. I could see Jonathan struggle with his tie while I put my shoes on. He was grumbling and muttering like an old man upset with teenagers messing in his garden. I stood up and walked over to him gently slapping his hands away. "Ow! Hey-"
"Shush." I chuckled, "my dad taught me how to tie a tie when Dustin had choir in preschool and kindergarten. He would get dressed all nice in a suit, that dad said it's a good trick to know for whenever a friend needs help." I finished it off nice and made sure it was snug.
"I wish mine understood that." He smiled at me and we just stared not needing to say any words to know we both were so grateful we met each other and became friends. I ended up embracing him and he sniffled into my shoulder.

His parents and himself were off to the service hall and dropped me off at my place on the way.
Entering the front door I saw my mom sat down on the stool in the island drinking what I assume was coffee.
"You didn't call..." she mumbled.
"I know I'm sorry, his dad was home and I had to make sure they didn't kill themselves. I didn't mean to scare you, honest." I pleaded hoping she'd understand.
She sighed and slumped into the counter before she looked over to me with another one of her famous 'you're lucky I love you' smiles.
"Just promise me no more surprises or scares. Now, go get ready. Dustin and I have been waiting for you."
I entered my room and opened up my closet to pull out my long black skirt and blouse. I tucked in my top and slipped on my black 1inch heels before slipping on my jacket. I decided to let my hair down and hold it back with two small hair clips.

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