Holly, Jolly

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  After getting home, you quietly went into your room and changed out of your apparel. You were concerned of Nancy's choices tonight but in the end we all make our own way through life. You did wish Barb had come with you though, you hated that she always stayed with Nancy and was in denial that she was changing into an independent person. You made a mental note to check Barbs hand tomorrow at school.

When you woke up, you got dressed in a simple white knitted sweatshirt and a pair of jeans, accompanied with yellow high tops. Heading into the kitchen for your lunch bags you noticed a note from Dustin 'Left early to Mikes! Thanks for lunch :)'. You chuckled at his note and grabbed your jacket before you headed to school on your bike.
Shortly after arriving and locking up, you headed to your locker. You were pulling out your books for first and second when you felt someone behind your locker door. Closing it resulted in seeing Steve, "Hello?"
"Hey there, Henderson, listen I wanna thank you for coming over last night. Also, I hope you had a great time." He leaned on the lockers.
"Uh, yeah of course. Thanks. Well, now that you got what you needed I hope I'm no longer needed for your service." You we're about to go to class when he grabbed your arm to stop you.
"W-what do you mean? What service?"
"Don't act daft, Harrington. The only reason you asked me to go, was to assure Nancy went. Now if you'll excuse me, please, I have class" you pulled away and sped towards class leaving a very confused Steve behind, wondering if that's really what you assumed.

You sat down in class behind Nance when you noticed that Barb wasn't in her seat.
"Nance? Where's Barb?"
"I... I don't know, I left Steve's late. I thought she took you home." she replied concerned.
"No no, she told me she was gonna stay but I don't know for how long."
You both ended up sulking into your chairs. You knew Barb well enough that she would only be out of school if she got sick. You wouldn't be surprised if she was, even you woke up with a tickle in your throat.


It was lunch time now, Jonathan and you met up by his locker. "Hey, how're you holding up?"
"Oh, I'm fine, just been looking for Will and hoping there's news soon." He grabbed his camera from his locker and we began waking down the hall.
"Listen I have to develop some photos real quick, if you wanna go eat-"
"I'll wait for you." You stopped him, "I'm not that hungry anyways."

While you were waiting outside the room, doodling in your notebook, you saw Nicole heading toward the door.
"Hey Nicole, how are you?"
"Good, thanks, I'll see you in English." She smiled and walked into the room.
Not long after you heard the door burst open and out came a flustered Jonathan.
"Woah, hey man! You okay?" You are caked quickly trying to catch up with him.
"Yeah yeah, cmon let's go." He sounded worried but with what's going on you didn't want to push him.
"Okay. You wanna go half and half on my lunch? It's your favorite, grilled cheese sandwich and blue Hugs."


After school Jonathan offered to take you home, you of course accepted so you both were heading towards his car with your bike riding by your side. As you made your way to the vehicle, you noticed Steve, his friends and Nicole leaning on it. They all stood up straight at your guys presence.
"Hey, man." Steve spoke.
"What's going on?"
"Nicole here was just telling us about your work."
"We heard great things." Carol commented.
"What?" You muttered.
"And we'd just love to take a look. Y'know, as connoisseurs of art." He stared Jonathan down, you were so confused as to what they wanted and what they were talking about.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Jonathan tried pushing his way through them when Tommy snatched his bag. "Hey, cut it out!" You tried to stop him but he tossed it to Steve avoiding your hands. "Please, give me my bag."
"Man, he is totally trembling. He must really have something to hide." Steve opened the bag searching for god knows what.
"Here we go." He pulled out some photos by the looks of it.
"Oh, man."
"Let me see." Tommy grabbed a few from Steve to take a look, "Dude!" He scoffed.
"Yeah, this isn't creepy at all." Carol gave a disgusted look our way.
"I was looking for my brother."
"No. No, this is called stalking."
We were soon joined by Nancy, "What's going on?"
"Here's the staring lady. " Tommy smirked, confusing Nancy and yourself more.
"This guy was spying on us last night. He was probably going to save this one for later." Carol handed Nancy a photo.
"Oh, but don't worry Y/N I'm sure this one was enough to do the job." She handed you a photo of yourself sitting at the pool next to Steve, you had your legs crossed over revealing more of your thighs. You looked up, even more confused and hurt that Jonathan was capable of doing this.
"See, you can tell he knows it was wrong, but that's the thing about perverts... it's hardwired into 'em. They just can't help themselves." He dusted Jonathan's jacket off before tearing up the photos. "So, we'll just have to take away his toy." He grabbed the very expensive camera from the bag. You knew how much it meant to Jonathan and that his family couldn't afford a new one.
"Steve, wait." You tried to reason with them.
"No, please, not the camera," you both tried to stop them from doing any damage. Tommy was ready to hold both back when Steve spoke up telling him to wait.
"Here you go," he extended his arm out with the camera in hand. When Jonathan went to take it, the camera plummeted straight to the gravel. Hearing the shattered class and metal made your heart ache. What he did was wrong but even you knew how precious that camera was to him.  Tommy's laugh echoed, followed by Carol's. Eventually, Steve ended up leaving, with the stupid excuse that the games was starting, making everyone follow behind.
"Boo." was the last you heard from them as Jonathan began to pick up what he could. You got on your knees to help the best you could, putting your photo under your arm and saw Nancy pick up pieces of a ripped photo before running to Steve's arms. You glared at him, while he just turned away and ignored your anger.
"I... I think I'll just ride home." You both stood up and while you avoided looking him in the eyes you heard his sympathetic voice "Y/N, I'm sorry, I didn't-"
"It's okay, Jonathan. Just... just get home safe. I'm sorry." You held back tears from your best friend. Hopping on your bike you peddled towards home. Jonathan didn't try stopping you, he knew you needed space. He knew what he did wasn't right.


Walking into your house you noticed your mom was still at work. You went into your room and stared at your photo. You ended up shoving it into your dresser and went to do your homework in the kitchen. It didn't take long to finish, luckily. You liked baking when you were stressed, it helped.  So the baking began.
Two batches of cookies later you realized it was already night time. You're mom had come home half hour ago, and was watching TV. You were wondering when Dustin would be home when you heard the door open.
"Hey Dust Bunny! I made your favorite! Chocolate chip snicker-doodles..." you were stunned at what you saw. Dustin's eyes and nose had a hue of red and you could tell he had been crying. "Dustin?" You're mom spoke over the couch.
He crumbled into your arms, he was spluttering something within the lines of "Will" and "Dead" through his sobs. You're heart broke. You felt hot tears in your eyes. "Oh, Dustin." You held him closer and choked down the sob threatening to get out.
Your mother soon came to hold both you guys. She was soothing your hair and rubbing Dustin's back. You all stayed that way for almost half an hour. He eventually pulled away and ran to his room, slamming his door. You and your mother sat down on the couch when the news cover discussed Will's discovery.
After another half hour or so, you went into your room. You changed into your PJs and settled into bed. You didn't realize when you started but you could feel the tears spilling out your eyes. You quietly sobbed into your pillow wishing and hoping this whole day was a dream. Or more so a nightmare. Your best friend's brother and your brother's best friend was dead. You pleaded to the universe to bring him back and to make this whole thing a disgusting prank. God knows when you finally cried yourself to sleep, finally being able to rest. Finally being able to breathe.


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