The Bathtub

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I had come out from the bathroom and heard yelling coming from the room we'd been waiting in. As I approached I saw two new figures, Joyce and Hopper standing over the box that held our Monster Hunting Gear.

"Why are you going through my car?!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"Is that really the question you want to be asking right now? I wanna see you in my office." Hopper threatened.

"You wont believe me."

Hopper leaned close and softly spoke "Why don't you give me a try?"

We went into Hopper's office and began to explain our discovery and our trip to the woods. Explaining how we wanted to test our theory on this creature. Nancy pulled out the photograph Jonathan took when Hopper asked if we'd seen it and gave him the dark enhanced peace of evidence we had.

"You say blood draws this thing?" He asked us.
"We don't know. It's just a theory." I responded as the others looked puzzled.

Jonathan and his mother spoke outside the hallway and we could hear Joyce's muffled voice. That is until we start hearing another commotion.
"Stay here." Hopper walked towards the shrieking lady having an argument with the other officers.
"Name and Badge number both of you!" She yelled.

We peeked our heads out and eventually started hearing a little boy around the kid's age explain how a girl ended up hurting him and that she had a shaved head. Hopper asked more information on the girl, seeming strangely interested in what he had to say. After some time he came to us and told us we had to head down to the Wheelers. Nancy had asked if something was wrong but Hopper just drove out to the Wheelers residence.


Steve sat at the back of his BMW while waiting for Tommy and contemplating what just happened in the alley. He thought of what he said to Nancy. What he said to Jonathan. What he said about Y/N. God that pissed him off more, especially since she had nothing to do with it. She had just been there as a bystander and he ridiculed her. Jonathan didn't deserve it either, he was mad of course, but after a couple punches to the face from him, he understood why Jonathan snapped. He didn't know the whole story. Yet he shamed Nancy's name in front of the whole town.

"Hey. You owe me $1.20." Tommy snapped him out of his thoughts, tossing him some aspirin and a cold coke. "Don't worry, he'll need more than aspirin when we're done with him."

"Yeah, if the creep ever gets out. The cops should just lock him up forever. Did you see his face? Oh." Carol mimicked a not so well portrayed occurrence of the fight. Steve was too busy holding the coke to his head to even bother with her comment.

"He probably had the same look when he killed his brother, right?" Tommy laughed at Carol's imitation. "Oh god. I just got an image of him making that face while he and Nancy are screwing."

Tommy laughed again but was interrupted by Steve snapping at Carol, "Carol for once in your life shut your damn mouth!"


"Hey, what's your problem, man?"

"Y/N was right, you're both assholes. That's my problem." Steve hopped off the car and walked up to Tommy
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I'm serious! You shouldn't have done that!" He shoved Tommy out of the way to get to his car door.

"Done what?!"

"You know what!"

"You mean call her out for what she really is? Oh! That's funny, because I don't remember you asking me to stop. And since when did you start talking that bitch anyway?!" Tommy exclaimed.
"I should've put that spray paint right down your throat."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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