The Monster

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We kept calling out for Nancy, hearing a faint voice. As we neared a tree where it sounded closer, we both stopped in our tracks to observe the weird moving wood and gross slime.

"Nancy! We're right here! Nancy?!" I shouted hoping for the love of god she could hear us and come back.

As Jonathan went to go touch it, we jumped back at a fragile hand reaching out to us, as fast as we could we grabbed it and pulled heading Nancy's struggle. Pulling and pulling we all fell back, Nancy falling and grasping at Jonathan as we sat up and stared at the now closed tree.

"Let's... let's get out of here. Cmon." I tried catching my breathe from the rush and adrenaline running through my veins.
We stood up and quickly but quietly towards Jonathan's car at the end of the woods.


We got to Nancy's house making sure Jonathan parked far away enough where Mr or Mrs Byers would not get suspicious of a random vehicle in front of their house. While Nancy snuck in through the front door to go unlock the window, Jonathan and I climbed up and waited on the roof for her.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah. Fine." I knew he was lying but I didn't want to push it. He's not okay. What a stupid question to ask while his mom is being called crazy and his brother might be dead or trapped.
We saw a crimson gold light illuminate the soft colored walls covered in posters and frames.

"Alright come on." Nancy opened the window and we climbed in each just standing in the middle of the room unsure of what to do next. I looked at Nance and took notice of the fear in her eyes, her clothes and face covered in dirt and slime.

"Hey nance, why don't you go wash up, we'll be right here." She looked at me and semi smiled.

While she showered, Jonathan and I set up some blankets on the floor for us to sleep in until tomorrow when we collect our thoughts.

"I'm sorry." Jonathan spoke quietly.


"I shouldn't have brought you guys along. I shouldn't have taken your picture. I- I'm such an idiot." He grabbed his hair briefly tugging.

"Hey. No no, don't do that. Look it- it happened okay? There's nothing you can do now but just apologize and make up for it." I smiled trying to reassure him it truly was fine. But was it? My mind was split in two when it came to this topic. So when I was deep in thought the words slipped past my lips.

"What was I saying?"

He looked taken back and stared at me waiting to play it off as a joke. When I didn't,

"Well you looked at peace. As if you could finally breathe and enjoy the scenic route."

He turned away and smiled, continuing, "you were able to finally be a kid and just take a little bit of risk. I mean when the hell does anyone see Y/N Henderson out past 8:30?"

We both got a good laugh at that point since I really was an antisocial home body grandma. But when I went to Steve's house, I felt different. I was always considered as the babysitter or the nanny at my house, taking care of Dustin, cooking lunch and dinner while mom was at work, making sure our bills went through. I can't complain, thanks to our sacrifices we have a nice home and we have each other, for that I am always thankful.

"I guess I have been pretty stressed lately, I will admit it was a nice break." I sighed and grabbed his hand, "but thank you for telling me and I accept your apology."

We decided to set up a sleeping area for Jonathan and I while waiting for Nancy in case she needed us to stay, which she did considering she walked in on us half way done.

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