A Weirdo on Maple Street

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"So you see we just wanted to find Will but we didn't find anything.." Keeping his head down and avoiding eye contact, you knew he was hiding something but because of today's unfortunate situation you let it slide. "It's cool bro, just go get some sleep and please make sure you guys stay safe okay? I can't lose any of you." you ruffled his hair after flicking his hat off.
You both decided to head to bed after continuing a small talk about both your days. It's something you began to do after your father passed. What made it worse is you had to hear it through the news, that the man who was absent in life time to time had become a permanent explosion from the world you knew. You're mom didn't like talking about it, neither did you. But hey what's a little teen angst without some daddy issues.


The next day came way too early this time, mostly because of how late last night went on to go. Dressing in pretty much the same get up as yesterday with the exception of wearing your yellow converse and a gray Pink Floyd band tee.

Your ride to school was uneventful and you were hoping that's how today would remain. Will missing for over 24 hours was starting to get you paranoid of anything unusual you spotted through the day. After locking up your bike and grabbing your books you notice barb and nancy walking towards class.

"-Gold foil, they become..."
"Unoccupied space." Nancy responded quickly.
"Nice one, Nance" you exclaimed hearing her answer the question right.
When all of a sudden, Tommy, Carol and Steve came up snatching away the flash cards. Tommy gave barb a Wet Willy while Carol gave you the casual "I hate you" shove she's been giving you since that one time Tommy tried to make a move on you while they were on their break in 8th grade! He would always make remarks or cat calls when carol wasn't around which didn't make it easier to avoid her glares and hatred.

"I don't know, Nancy, I think you studied enough. I'm telling you, you got this." Steve commented.
"Don't worry. Now, on to more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's gone with him. Cause yknow, she doesn't trust him."
"Good call" Tommy laughed
"So are you guys in?"
"In for what?" Nance looked between Steve and I unsure of what he was suggesting.
"No parents? Big house?" Carol snarked.
"A party, nance." You whispered to her
"Ding dong ding!" Carol and Tommy laughed at us and even mocked Nancy when she mentioned that it was Tuesday.
"Shut up,man. Look it'll be low key and just us. What do you say? You guys in or out?" Steve kept egging you both. Nancy was gonna respond when Carol drew your attention to Jonathan who was putting up the flyers you worked on last night.
"Oh god, that's depressing." You bit your tongue at Steve's comment.
"Should we say something?"
"I don't think he speaks" And another bite.
"How much you wanna bet he killed him?" The second you heard Tommy's disgusting suggestion you turned back to them and snapped, "You guys are a bunch of assholes."
You could hear Carol giggle and Tommy mock you while walking away to your class.


During lunch you went to sit at the Benches outside the gym, you had brought left overs and were about to start eating when you were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Looking up you saw Steve. "Can I help you?"
"Look I'm really sorry about Tommy. I know you think we're just dumb ass-"
"No I know you guys are." You cut him off, giving him a smug smile.
"Right. Um, look I really would like for you to go tonight. It will just be us and I'll even make sure the guys don't act stupid or say anything, okay? Just please, consider it?"
You looked away from him knowing that he really just wanted you to go so that Nancy goes.
"I'll think about it. Can I eat my lunch now?"
"Y-yeah, here's the address if you decide to go." He handed you a piece of folded paper. "Hope to see you there, doll."
He walked away giving you a small smile with those beautiful pearl teeth- okay no! You were fighting the flustered red cheeks and tried to focus on eating but all you could think of was Steve begging for your presence at his party tonight. Having to remind yourself he was only interested in getting close to Nancy or more so her underwear.
When you finally got home you decided to call Nance. You had asked her about the party and she obviously wanted to go. She tried to keep her excitement about it on the low but when you finally asked her if she wanted you to tag along and she basically screamed yes.

That brought you to changing into a red Indiana University shirt with a pair of denim shorts that reached your mid thigh, topping it off with your Vietnam Jacket. After saying bye to your mom and leaving a note inside his room letting him know where you'll be, you headed out on your bike. You had agreed with Nance that you would meet her and Barb at Steve's.

You parked your bike next to the garage door at the side of his house when you notice the girls walking up the side walk. "Hey guys. You ready?"
"Yeah, of course, cmon." Nancy walked up first, allowing you to walk with Barb.
"Where's your car?"
"She made us park three blocks away."
"Oof sorry, well guess our chaperone duty is starting." You both chuckled at your comment.
"You guys, chill"
"We're chill" barb stated after Nancy rung the bell.
"Hello ladies." Steve came out with a smirk on his face. "Cmon in."

You all shuffled inside and were directed to the pool outside. Tommy and Carol were drinking and laughing together near the pool. Steve joined you by the chairs and Tommy began to threaten Carol with throwing them in the pool causing her to scream bloody murder. At that moment Steve began shot-gunning a can of beer clearly trying to impress Nance. You zoned out there conversation focusing on the water and wondering how Jonathan might be doing right now. All of a sudden the 'chug' chants grew louder, you turned to see Nance doing the same and toss the can away accepting the praise. Barb was irritated by the looks of it, and it didn't help that Nancy started pressuring her to drink as well. You stood up and tried to take the attention off of her. "Nance, cmon stop it."
"Just give it a shot Barb!"
Barb sighed and stood up to properly drink the beer. It took her a second to get it until the knife scraped off the can and into her palm. You gasped and headed towards her taking a look at injury hearing Tommy comment "gnarly!"
"Shit, Barb come here."
"Are you okay? Barb you're bleeding!"
"I'm fine." Barb snapped at Nance with a shaky voice from the shock.
"Barb come here. Hey where's your bathroom?" Asking Steve, he stood up and directed you both to the house. He walked with you until you stepped inside glancing back at him, you noticed he gave you a sincere smile and mouthed a 'sorry' to you. Ignoring it for now, you ended up staying in the bathroom with Barb helping her patch up the cut.
"I'm sorry." Barb spoke in a hushed tone.
"What? Barb, no. This isn't your fault, they shouldn't have pressured you into drinking, especially since your the designated driver."
"I just don't know why she's acting like this." She took a seat on the edge of the tub followed by you.
"I mean can you blame her? It's 'King Steve'! The all mighty!" You both laughed at your mocking tone of Steve's rep in school. "We better go out there to make sure she's alright. God knows what she might get herself into."
"More like who." Barb muttered.

You came out of the bathroom to see the guys run upstairs talking about a fire place. When Barb stopped Nancy on the stairs, "where are you going?"
"Nowhere... just upstairs. I fell in the pool."
There was a long pause between them.
"Why don't you guy go home?"
"Guys... I'm fine"
Barb was so upset at the point, "this isn't you."
Nancy brushed you off telling both of you to go home again. "Barb, cmon." You tried to convince her to just head out but she was willing to stay and make sure she was safe. You on the other hand had promised your mom you'd be back not too late. She was on the edge but knew you were always safe as can be.
"Please, let me know if anything happens. Just call me even if I knock out, alright? I'll see you at school tomorrow." You hugged her goodbye, and headed out.

You hopped on your bike, before you peddled away you looked back at the house second guessing on leaving Nancy and Barb. Eventually you began riding down the street, hoping everything could go back to how thing used to be. Unfortunately, after tonight nothing will ever be the same again.


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