The Body (1/2)

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Morning came. Unfortunately. I opened my eyes and turned in bed as memories of yesterday came in mind. Jonathan's inappropriate photo, Barb not showing up yesterday and Will's body in the Quarry. I took a deep breathe before getting out of bed and heading to Dustin's room, I knocked gently and heard a muffled response.
"Hey Dust Bunny, how'd you sleep?" I stroked his wild curls, seeing tear stained cheeks.
"Do I have to go to school?"
"No. No, buddy, just stay home and watch TV. I'll leave you some breakfast and maybe after I get out of school, I can take you out to buy a new comic book or maybe go see a movie?"
"I-I'll think about it."
With that he turned over and pulled the blankets over himself. I hated seeing my brother like this. But I knew better than to push him on the topic and just let him deal with this his own way.

I ended up making him some waffles and bacon with a side of peach syrup. I was second guessing school myself. But I knew I'd be better in school than at home crying myself dry. It's a good distraction. I decided to wear a dark green turtle neck with a dark navy blue skirt that reached my knees, topping it all off with my jacket and some basic wedge Oxfords.

The whole way I biked to school I was debating on skipping and going to the Animal Shelter for some more Volunteer hours. Unfortunately I had already made it to school and locked up my bike outside. Walking down the halls was unsettling. Everyone had heard the news and everyone knew of my friendship with Jonathon and the kids. I could feel their stares and hear the hushed conversations as I reached my locker.
Classes went by quickly since I wasn't even paying attention. Teachers gave me sympathetic looks and comments such as 'I'm here for you' or 'You're not alone'. I was nice enough to just thank them and let them know I was doing fine. It wasn't until lunch that my day seemed to shift.

"Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?!" I overheard Nancy's voice behind the gym and bleachers which I was sitting at to eat lunch. I couldn't understand much aside from she couldn't believe who I assumed was Steve. He called for her multiple times but no luck from the sound of it.
"Henderson?" He called out as he turned around.
"Oh um... hi I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I hurriedly grabbed my things embarrassed of getting caught and I accidentally dropped my school bag, hearing it hit the dirt. Steve retrieved it before dusting it off. I climbed down and met him under them.
"Here you go." He handed it to me with a small smile.
"Thank you. I'm sorry again I know it's none of my business." I took my bag from his hand, feeling his soft fingers graze mine.
"No. No, It's okay. Hey, I uh- I wanted to say I'm sorry about the news. And about what Jonathan did to you. I can't believe he would do that to you." He seemed so genuine about it and even though I hate what he did to Jonathan and his camera, I didn't have the energy to fight with him.
"Don't. Look, I have to go. Thank you again." I turned to leave before he grabbed my arm to stop me.
"I should probably tell you, Nancy has it in her head that Barb is in trouble and she told the cops. They might question us about it and I'm just asking if you could not mention the beers. My dad he- he already hates my friends. Don't want to give him another reason to give me a talk on how to be responsible, y'know?"
"Uh... okay yeah, I'll keep that in mind. I need to find Nancy. I'll see you." I pulled away and heading into the school again. Barbs in trouble? Why is Nancy talking to the cops?
I checked every hall in hopes of finding her but the sound of the bell made me go to class and just go to her house after school.
During class, one of the secretaries came in asking for me. I grabbed my bag and followed her into the cafeteria, as I walked in I saw Nancy and her mother leave. I couldn't even talk to her before the two cops inside called my name asking me to sit. My mother was already sitting in front of them. Shit.
"Ms. Henderson, we want to ask you about the other night at the Harrington residence."
"What about it? Did something bad happen to Barb? Is she okay?" I was hoping they could answer my questions but they had more questions for me. They asked about that night and about barbs relationship with all of us. I had told them everything excluding the drinking and told them Barb cut herself on accident when we were playing with knives, hoping they believe it. I could tell my mom didn't believe me but she didn't say anything. They asked about my relationship with Steve and Barb as well, I hesitated when it came to Steve.
"I don't know him that well. I was only there for Nancy, she wanted me to go and I didn't want her to be alone."
"And Barbara? Did she seem mad at Nancy that night?" He asked.
"Barb, she's my friend. We were closer when we were kids but I mean high school happens, you know? She had told me she was gonna stay until Nancy was ready to go home but she didn't seem mad at her just concerned."
"And why would she be concerned?"
"I-I don't... look Barb isn't like most girls okay? She-she's kind and loyal, no matter what happens she'll always be the responsible one and she's not the kind to do anything to hurt anyone." I sighed as they just looked at each other not really believing me.
They wrote my statement down before they thanked me for my time and asked me to stay home and be safe. I left even more confused as to what was going on.
Mom decided to take me home since she was worried herself about everything going on. With my bike in the trunk and sound of the radio playing 'Dreaming' by Johnny Burnette, my moms favorite, she was frustrated by the looks of it.
No response.
"I'm sorry, I know you don't like it when I lie, especially to cops! But mom I promised him I wouldn't mention the beer-"
"Him? Who's him?" She interrupted me, glancing at me.
I sunk into my seat and looked away, I didn't mean to tell her that part but it slipped. "Steve Harrington. Look ma, he didn't force me or anything and he isn't a bad guy, Nancy likes him and he likes Nancy, I just don't want anyone to get in trouble." She sighed at my response before she turned to me and smiled.
"You've always been so kind to others. Even when they don't deserve it. You and Barbara have that in common. Your father was the same too. He would always be the one to take care of everything after a storm, I just don't want you being taken advantage of." We had already reached home but we stayed in the car a little longer. "Promise me to keep being the responsible one. Not everyone's lucky to have a brain like yours." I chuckled at her comment.

We went inside and I had told her I wanted to check in on Nancy, she told me it was fine but she didn't want me home late. She even told me that Dustin had gone to Mikes to be there for each other. I changed out of my skirt into a pair of jeans and biked my way to the Wheeelers.
When I got to the Wheelers, it turned out that mike and Dustin were at school. Mrs. Wheeler had come home to a note from them that they were there. I headed up to Nancy's room and when I opened her door she was staring at the photo Jonathan took of Barb. She ended up telling me everything that happened and what she saw behind Steve's house. We had come to the conclusion that we would get more help from Jonathan.
Jonathan. I hadn't talked to him since the other day after the photo incident. God knows how he might be dealing with the death of Will. I've been so selfish by not checking on him.
I called the Byers residence to see where Jonathan was but Joyce answered hysterically asking for Will.
"Ms. Byers? It's me, Y/N, is Jonathan around?"
"Oh. No honey, he might be at the Funeral Home for Will. I'm sorry, Y/N I-I have to go."
She hung up quickly before I could check if she was alright.
"What did she say?" Nancy asked behind me.
"He's at the Funeral Home. Let's go." I put the phone down and we decided to walk together to town in hopes of finding Jonathan.

*A/N: hello readers! Just wanted to give an update on the series! I will be writing this in 1st POV now and possibly switch between characters when needed but most will be from your POV :) I hope you are enjoying this so far and please feel free to correct my errors in the comments or even leave a comment on what you think so far! I've been pretty busy with work but I'm writing as much as I can for you all lovely readers! Thank you again for everything and please enjoy!

*A/N: hello readers! Just wanted to give an update on the series! I will be writing this in 1st POV now and possibly switch between characters when needed but most will be from your POV :) I hope you are enjoying this so far and please feel free t...

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