The Body (2/2)

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We had arrived at the Funeral Home, but my legs couldn't move. I was frozen. The last time I was in one of these was for my father.
"Hey. You don't have to come in, I'll be quick. I'll talk to him." Nancy placed her hand on my shoulder giving me a small smile.
"Okay." Was all I mustered up, sitting on the small bench in front.
My mind drifted off to the memory of my dads funeral, while mom and Dustin cried, I didn't. I just stood there next to them, I was in a state of shock. I couldn't believe the man who I would see every summer and go fishing with or hiking with was no longer here. No longer here to tell me stories of his time in Vietnam or how grandma would hit him every time he left the stove on, resulting in burning the frijoles. My father was my best friend before I met Jonathan. He taught me what being a real man meant.
I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the bell of the door jingle. Jonathan and Nancy emerging from the home.
"Hey. Um, where to?" I stood up clutching my bag.


We arrived to the school shortly after they had just finished explaining that what Nancy saw at Steve's, Joyce had possibly seen as well at their house. Jonathan kept glancing at me from the rear view mirror, I had caught him mid glance and gave him a sincere smile, he returned it and I could see his shoulders relax, as if he'd been holding his breathe around me as to not anger a sleeping bear. We exited the vehicle once he parked it up front, entering the doors of our school. Heading into the photography class, the three of us entered the red room to get a better view of the photograph. I propped myself up on an unoccupied counter while Nancy hovered over Jonathan clearly interested in what he was doing.
"So what are you doing now?"
"Brightening and enlarging."

They chatted more while I decided to rest my head on the wall and just wait until the photo was finished. I had seen Jonathan's work for years and every time he would put himself down on his work. It wasn't until last year we were messing around with his camera and decided on taking pictures of us and the kids. My favorite one is where Dustin and I were eating pizza in the wheelers basement. My second favorite piece of work was where he took one of me in Chicago when we went to pick up Will from Lonny's. We were at the park near by and he took the picture while I read The Mist, sitting on the swings. I was wearing my white knitted sweater and dark green skirt and of course my dads jacket. My hair was half up, half down with my bangs, the wind had made it flow and some pieces of it were framing my face.

I actually still have that photo in my room on my dresser, framed and everything. I was broken from my thoughts once more at the sound of Nancy's quick response to the picture they just finished with.
"That's what i saw."
"My mom. I thought she was crazy. She said 'that's not Will's body.' That he's alive."
"And if he's alive-"
"Then Barbara..." I hopped off the counter and stood next to them to stare at the image of what looked like a mutilated body of half man half monster.

We walked out the school contemplating what that thing was and the possibility of Will and Barb being lost somewhere or hidden somewhere. We all knew we sounded crazy but Jonathan and I were experts at that. Nancy in the other hand, well let's just say she really wanted to go home now. On the drive to her place, we decided to meet up soon to organize a search through the woods to see if we could find any clues.
We dropped her off and I decided to use her phone to let my mom know I would sleep over at the Byers to be there for Jonathan. She was hesitant but after I promised her I would call her first thing in the morning, she caved. What caught me off guard was that she asked to let Dustin know to get home soon. What!?
I stepped down stairs and heard commotion and stuff moving, "Dustin? Hey, cmon bro! Mom wants you-" I stop at the scene in front of me. Mike and Lucas out of breathe holding some pillows and blankets. Dustin was at the coffee table with a book in hand, he was pale and eyeing his two friends.
"Oookay? Look Dustin, mom wants you home okay? So cmon, we'll take you home." I put my hand out for him to grab and help him stand.

After our goodbyes to the party and the Wheelers we hopped in Jonathan's car. It didn't take long for us to get to our place, that Dustin jumped out and turned to me waiting for me to exit the vehicle. "Y/N?"
"Hey bun, I'm gonna go with Jonathan right now. I'll be home by tomorrow morning okay? He just needs some company." I gave him a sincere look.
"That's alright... I'll see you tomorrow sis."

We drive off with the radio playing softly.
"You don't have to come, y'know? I think he needs you more." He spoke up.
"Please don't make me feel worse Jonathan... I don't want Dustin to get suspicious or get involved with our crazy conspiracy." I buried my face in my hand feel like shit for leaving my brother during this time. But I rather have him be in the dark than risk losing him to this mystery creature.

I feel the car come to a halt and the engine shuts. I look up and see a strange vehicle on the driveway. It takes me a minute for it to click in my head, who's car that belonged to.
" Jonathan?" I whisper, seeing him stare.


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