Ch.45 ~ Tracks

704 30 18

Note: S/T = Skin Tone

Y/n's POV

Approaching the group stood by the blue pick up in front the house, I came up beside Hershel and Beth peering over their shoulders with an inquisitive brow raised.

"Winters closing in, nights are going to be cold, to cold for us outside. We are willing to help and after last night it really isn't safe to be sleeping out here anymore. We can help build out posts to protect this place, help with the farming but we can't do that if we are dying of hyperthermia or walkers... We were hoping you'd open the house up to us, hell we'd sleep in the basement if it meant we didn't have to stay out here." Rick said to Hershel who glanced towards Beth and then me for some bizarre reason.

With a small sigh and a nod he said. "Alright let's get you moved in." And just like that we were all gathered at the main campsite unloading our tents and packing them up before dumping our stuff into boxes in the pick up to be taken to the house and carried inside. Daryl and I would have to sort out our own camp later on in the day but for now we'd both stood by help people occasionally carry boxes to the truck.

As we worked through the load up Rick, Hershel, Maggie, Daryl and I found ourselves in conversation once more about the plans henceforth our move.

"It's gonna be tight, 15 people in one house and Skylla." Rick states.

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up..." Hershel starts.

"With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie's states sarcastically, making me chuckle lowly. 

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago." Hershel finished.

"It's your home, we are just thankful enough you let us stay in the first place." I remark softly.

"She's right, you've been more than welcoming." Daryl grumbles from behind me. I guess even when the two of us are on thin ice, the habit of standing and always being near each other doesn't sway. It's strange really... that his presence created a comfort in me. Even when angry my body wanted to be near him.

There it goes again, that strange feeling flooding my body. What is it? Desire....? No.... Lust.... Probably... The man is attractive but surely it had to be more than some fleeting attraction. This pounding in my chest, heat flooding my body, longing to be with and near him and above all else a desire to see past the tough exterior and figure out what was truly going on inside his head. What he felt, what he thought, why besides the obvious he tried to mask his emotions.

Rick's voice shouting out commands was what had brought me out of my thoughts and intense staring at the ground. "All right, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out towards the road. We'll build a look out in the windmill, another in the barns loft. That should give us sight lines on both sides of the property. Tdog, you take the perimeter around the house. Keep track of everyone coming and going."

"What about standing guard?" Tdog enquired.

"Well I need you, Y/n and Daryl on double duty. Y/n you'll scope the forest with Skylla don't go further than five miles in, holler if you need us, once that's done come back and get yours and Daryl's camp packed up. Daryl you'll be building the look out on the barn, later you'll come with me to release Randell. We clear?" Rick assigns our jobs earning nods and a verbal confirmation from Tdog.

Turning around I placed two fingers in my mouth and whistled in the direction I had seen Glenn and Skylla wander off. As I waited I heard Hershel announce to Rick that he'd stock the basement with food and water suggesting that we wouldn't be sleeping in the basement but the actual house which I was kind of thankful for.

Daryl's Lullaby ~ Daryl Dixon x Reader ~ On Temporary HoldWhere stories live. Discover now