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TW: BLOOD ^, Mention of injury, and corruption.
Also, dialogue might sound ship-y, it's not. All platonic <3.

"We're in this together!"

" this a good idea?"

"I'm sorry ᒷᒲʖᒷ∷"

The skulk land was cold and the ground was colder. How did Pine know? Well judging as she was being dragged by the ankle, it was safe to say they knew how the ground felt.
Dazed, Pine could only remember brief things.

"...I guess I'm a moother now"

"S tier!!!"

"We don't talk about that- not the s tier fail..."

"I'll protect you!"

A broken promise. It was made months ago...with...him.

A twig snapping broke what little thoughts Pine had as the motion stopped. Now Pine could feel the lingering pain of cuts and bruises she had gotten. A wave of energy washed overhead as Pine lay there, tangled in skulk.
She let out a startled yelp as Pearl began pulling them again.

"Please. Tell me what's wrong. I just got you back...I can't lose you again."

"ᒷᒲʖ, get off me."

"I'm doing this for you!"

Pine tried to shift around but the skulk stayed in place. They opened her eyes again and saw where Pearl was taking them. A giant stone building, stood out. Skulk covered it as it was seemingly swallowed by a cave.
They would have loved to see it up close if it wasn't covered in skulk.

"Can you...teach me?"

"Hi ᒷᒲʖ!"

A sinking feeling began to surge through Pine. She hadn't...she hadn't gotten to say goodbye.
No, no, nonono-

The little bit of light was filtered out.

'Is this the end?'

'Feed, Consume, Spread.'

'Where am I? I...I don't remember being here.'
Pearl opened her eyes and gasped. "...Pine?" She asked as the skulk wrapped tighter around the figure.
More and more skulk, bigger until nothing butt he blue vines and beating dots remained.

Pearl did what her instinct told her to do.
And ran.

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