Seventy One

9 3 3

I thought the song above fit with the chapter.

Also, irl debate here. How do you pronounce this word: "queue"
I've heard "kyoo" and "quee"

One last thing, shorter chapter, sorry. I wanted to get this out before the weekend and it's very rushed. 74 will be longer!
TW: Memory loss, and a baldy placed HC reference.

You have magic
You're one of us

What...? He was Xelqua. Who was this Grian character? Why had those people yelled at him?

He just wanted to be done with this.

He wanted his memories and he wanted to go home. Wherever that was.

The void. An eerie and cold place. The feeling of slowly falling into oblivion.
She hurt.

Grian blinked. Oh, training. The watcher in front of him cursed and told him to restart. So he did.
And again.

The training was repetitive. Magic, PvP, agility, and then magic again.
He was tired.
But it was for a good cause.
He was Xelqua.

Blue eyes blinked open. She drew in a shuddering breath as the familiar darkness surrounded her.
'Let me go home.'

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