just the two of us...

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Kenny's pov;

Me, Eric, and Stan head over to kyles house, Eric honestly went there for cake or whatever, and I went cause I wanted KFC since I LOVE KFC When we got there, there was only one bucket of KFC, Eric pushed me to the side, I fell, and Eric's fat diabetic ass ate ALL the chicken, leaving NOTHING BEHINDE I fell to knees and let it all out. I sobbed.

Suddenly kyle came outta nowhere and he was holding another KFC bucket. I snatched it from him and gobbled that shit uuuup.

Kyle was looking at me in shock, I was eating the chicken like a pack of starving rabbid dogs.
When I was done, I finally realized the damage I had done. the counter. The counter was covered in chicken, and I was covered in KFC sauce, and so was everyone else EVEN STANS DOG.

Stan was PISSED so him and his dog trotted outta here like runway models. Kyle started cleaning the mess up depressed I wobble over to the bathroom.

And looked at myself in the mirror and realized in the mirror was an ugly, KFC sauce covered creature.

I came out of the bathroom cleaned up, sparkling, Kyle was still cleaning. I felt pity, so I helped, Kyle was ignoring me.

I wanted to break the ice, but Eric decided to enouced his exit, saying, "Thanks for the chicken, see ya later guys, im gonna go shit at home."

Now it was just me and kyle... I apologized to kyle, and he still didn't say shit back to me. I sat down and watched TV for an hour. Before kyles mom stormed in demanding, we go to bed for some reason. Weirdly, I couldn't sleep on the couch, so I had to sleep with kyle in his bed. We went to bed. But, I woke up......I woke up to kyle on top of me.

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