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Kenny's pov;

We sat there for what felt like forever. Before kyle asked me if I wanted to go do something to get our minds off the topic. "So what do you wanna do?" Kyle asked. I looked at him, a smirk growing on my face. "You." He chuckled at me, saying,"I know you do, kenny."

"Ooh, how about we go for a walk?"


"Okay, let's go then." he said, standing up, extending a hand to me. I took his hand standing up. We walked, looking at the scenery holding hands. After an hour, we both agreed to start heading back, but kyle asked me to carry him, which I agreed to, of course.

He started to drift off to sleep halfway through. I loved it, holding him sleeping. I carried him all the way to his bed, where I layed him down. I crawled in bed with him. And went to sleep.

I woke up, and kyle was wrapped around me. I waited till he woke up, which was an hour. "Morning sleepyhead~" kyle was rubbing his eyes, so damn cute.."Morning.." I played with his hair for a moment before he slapped my hand."Stop it."

I just gave him a patient smile. He got up to change, and I layed there staring at him. "Can you stop staring at me, you pervert.." I respect kyles wishes, so I looked away as soon as he said that.

Kyle's pov;

I'm flattered he looks at me like that... but it does get a little creepy after a bit. I mean, he's somewhat a pervert so I guess it's expected from him.
He's been flirting with me since 6th grade and tried getting in my pants back in 9th grade, too.

I love him, though. So he's my pervert now.. Once I got dressed, I waited for kenny to get up, and he did and began changing into some of my clothes, but I couldn't help but stare, I was snapped out of my trance by kenny saying, "well well well whos the staring perv now?"

"Shut up, it's not like you're changing out of your boxers-" Just when I started to say boxers, kenny literally purposely started taking his off. "Jesus, kenny! Give me a warning before that!!"

I turned around before he could slip them off, "Oh what's wrong? you're gonna see this all anyway~"

"Oh shut up.."

"Okay, ky~"

I got tired of waiting, so I left my room without him to go see mom, who made us breakfast. "Where's your boyfriend, kyle?"


"Oh, okay."

Just then, kenny came into the kitchen.

"Hey, sheila!"

"Oh, kenny darling, you can call me mom now."

"Okay, hey mom!" I'm glad my mom was completely supportive of us, I didn't expect her to tbh..Kenny sat next to me, and as soon as mom put the plates in front of us he immediately gobbled the food up can't blame him..he barley eats daily..

I started eating my food, but I felt something touching my thigh, I already knew it was kenny cause I saw him with a wide smile. I knew it well ever since 9th grade he did the same exact thing

He was touching my thigh while sitting next to me with the same smile. But unlike in 9th grade, he was more gentle touching my thigh. I slapped his hand to stop because at the diner table is the worst place to do that. I was also trying to fucking eat bro.

Once we were done, kenny wanted me to come back to my room for some reason.

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