feelings..(wendy and stan)

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Wendy's pov;

I sat staring at the ceiling. Everything almost seemed nonexistent around me till something pulled me out of the little world, bebe, "Wendy? You've been spacing out like this since last period. What's on your mind?" I looked at bebe blushing, now taking in her features.

Golden locks, clear skin not a zit or pimple to be seen, sky blue eyes, dressed in red. Bebe looked perfect. She also had a big chest, way bigger than mine..

If I wasn't going through this Stan dilemma, I'd definitely date her.

Bebe smirked, "Are you gonna keep staring at my chest, or are you gonna tell me what's on your mind?" I shook my head, my face now covered in blush.

"Heh..sorry just admiring you! And um, I was just thinking about my Stan problem.." bebe perked her head up her attention completely on me. "Oooh~ Stan? Why?"

I looked bebe straight in the eyes. "I-i think I might be catching feelings for him.." bebe was now beaming, "I knew it!" She laughed, our classmates were looking in our direction, and I tried to cover my face out of embarrassment.

"Gonna tell him?"

"N-NO!" Bebe widened her eyes and raised her brows, "sorry..i-i just don't think I should right now...I'm just gonna wait and see where the feelings end up after a while.." bebe smiled and nodded understanding.

*bell rings*

"Oh- welp cya later wendy!"

Great, I can think this over while at lunch, hopefully, well... I'm not hungry. I'll skip instead. Where should I go to think this out? I don't know.. I'll just wonder the hallways, I guess?

I wondered, thinking about Stan. Based on what u know about him, I can't make a complete pros and cons list, but so far, I know he's got looks, body? I don't know yet.. He's an athlete, straight? Gay? Bi? I'm not sure..

Tall, sensitive and kind...dang he is somewhat ideal..."Hey wendy!" A voice called startling me, I felt a hand pat my right shoulder, I looked to see kenny. "Oh..hey kenny!" He smiled and tilted his head.

"Whatcha doin' out here? Aren't you supposed to be in the cafeteria?"

"I know.. but im not hungry.."

"Dont some of your gal pals have the same lunch as you?"

"Yeah.. but I don't feel like listening to gossip... I'm trying to make a pros and cons list.."

"Of what?" Kenny asked, intrigued. "More like who.." This got kenny really intrested, "who?" He asked, grinning, "stan.." I sighed. "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow his grin now wider,

"Yeah..I dunno if I should... date...him.."

"Oh.. I'm not a good person for advice buuut~ I heard from a random group of girls that he's definitely worth it and has a good body." He chuckled, then winked, walking away.  I could feel my face heat up, huh...okay..

I continued walking the halls before crashing into someone walking out of the boys' bathroom, stan.."AYE WATCH IT ASSHOLE- wendy?"

I looked up now, blushing, "S-stan?"

"Wendy, are you ok!?" Stan asked, taking my hands in his. "I-i.."

I could feel my heart pounding, I was trying to look anywhere but at stan, "wendy?"

"I-im fine, I gotta g-go.." I ran away from stan before crashing into another person, butters, he was holding me up by my arms, "golly gee! Are you ok, wendy?" I looked him straight in the eyes;

"I-i dunno.." Butters frowned now, giving a sympathetic expression, then wrapped his arms around me, hugging me while rubbing my back, comforting me.

Suddenly, tears started escaping my eyes, I had no reason to cry, yet here I was. We stayed like this before I pulled away, "Better?" Butters asked gently. "Yeah." I replied, sniffling.

"Good.." Butters patted my shoulder before walking away. I should just tell Stan.. I pretty much already know him enough, and I'm pretty sure I really do love him..

I watched the time while in my last period before running out as soon as the bell rang. I ran out of the building, seeing stan walking a few miles away. I caught up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"W-WOAH! W-WENDY?!" He yelped, blushing like an idiot, "stan I need to get something off my chest.." I whispered, tightening my grip on him.

"O-okay?" His body stiffened, I could hear his heart beating faster than usual..

"Stan... recently, I've noticed my views of you have changed.."

"I-is that bad?" I didn't answer.

"Stan...i- I LIKE YOU!" I could hear stan let put a sigh before laughing, "duh you like me why else are we friends?"

"NO UGH! I mean I.." I paused before shouting, "I LOVE YOU STAN!"

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