exspect the unexpected.

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Kenny's pov; There we were...kissing atleast kyle was kissing me at first, then I shorta gave in and started kissing him back. I definitely took him aback, heh...
Kissing him wasn't anything I'd expected. It was nicer than I'd thought, calmer, sweeter...

Kyles pov; I don't know what the fuck I was even thinking at the moment but kenny started kissing me back. Didn't even expect that from him. But he was enjoying it? I don't know, man, but I know I was..

Suddenly Stan walked in looking for us
Abruptly stopping us. But Stan saw us and was socked, and i mean jaw-dropping shocked.

"Y-you guys are..g-gay?!" Stan said in a surprised tone. Kenny looked embarrassed and just buried his face into my chest. I didn't know what to say except.."a-apparently," literally, I face palmed mentality. "I didn't e-ecspect you t-two of all people, though.." Stan said in a highly confused tone.
"Well, expect the unexpected?" I said in the most nervous voice before abruptly blurting out: "DONT TELL ANYONE PLEASE STAN, YOU'RE ONE OF MY BESTFRIENDS YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT RIGHT?!" Stan assured me he wouldn't tell another soul unless all three of us agreed to..

Kenny's pov; Instead of taking the bus home, kyle and i walked home. I wrapped my arms around his left arm and pressed my head against his shoulder, I knew he was blushing, but so was i.. it was like that until we reached his house. We said our goodbyes, and I headed home..

I ignored my parents and headed straight to bed. But I couldn't sleep. My head was jumble. All I was able to think of was kyle. Recapping everything that happened between me and kyle made me feel like a teenage girl with a big fat crush on a guy. In a way, I guess I am, I'm in love with kyle.

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