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Kennys pov;

We both decided to walk to school instead of taking the bus, and it was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, and the flowers were blooming. The sun was shining too. The snow didn't melt, and it was still chilly.

We entered the doors, and it felt almost like people were watching us, maybe noticing us holding hands, smiling.

Nevertheless, we continued walking to our lockers, just then butters came up to us saying, "FELLAS FELLAS I GOTTA A STORY TO TEEEELLL!-" he noticed me and kyle holding hands, "Hey why are ya two holding hands? Are you children or just gay?"

Just then, we stopped holding hands."I dunno what you're talking about butters you're just seeing things." Kyle said. "Yeah, are you OK? Are you sick? Wanna go to the nurses?" I said, holding back a smirk.

"Don't even try to gaslight me, guys! I know what I saw!" We both laughed at butters. "Okay, okay, yeah, we're just playing with you butters!" Kyle laughed. butters got tired of us and just walked away. Kyle turned to me. "It looks like someone got annoyed~" kyle smiled, holding back a laugh.

I cupped his face and pulled him in for a kiss. Then we went to our lockers, putting our stuff away.

Kyles pov;

I closed my locker and realized I had to
Go really bad and ran to the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in and saw Stan. Stan marsh leaning against the sinks. Honestly, he scared the shit outta me, I hate to admit..

Stan had an eyebrow raised, " and kenny are dating now... how long?"

"I-uh-um..since f-friday..?"

Stan didn't move and stayed in the same position holding the same face. "Huh...why didn't you tell me..?"

"I wasn't thinking about that yet.."

"Too busy fucking kenny to tell your best friend since 5th grade about dating someone?" I looked at Stan confused, where'd this sass and anger come from?

"Stan, it's my business, and I dont have to tell you ANYTHING if I don't want to!" Stan furrowed his eyebrows and bit his lip slightly. "Kyle...i..l-...gotta go.."



"Bye." Stan gave me a sadish expression before walking out.

Stan's pov;

Dammit kenny! He always beat me at everything, but I'd never expect it to be kyle this time. I think he knew I had a crush on kyle since 7th grade, and i swear he did this on purpose!

I felt so angry. I punched a random locker and then realized who it belonged to; a girl named Wendy, with black hair like mine, always wore something purple with pink, kinda pretty too.

I turned to see her holding her things, and she got real pissed at the fact that I dented her locker. She punched me straight in the face with a whole load of force.

Wendy shouted, "Stan, when I'm done with you, you're gonna need more than an icepack!" For a girl shorter than me, she was real intimidating. She started to beat me to a pulp. "You go, girl!" A random girl, Hollered across the hall.

A crowd of kids ran and formed a circle around us chanting fight. After what felt like an hour, she stopped,

"what the fuck am I doing? I'm wasting my time on a boy who just dented my locker?! This is straight-up stupid!"

She got me up and was holding me up and helped me walk to the nurses.

                         -Time skip-

"Look Stan I'm sorry I beat you up.."

"No, no, it's okay! I dented your locker. I damaged school property, it's my fault.."

"Honesty, good job beating me up." Wendy looked at me and laughed, "Thanks. I take self-defense classes, mostly just boxing, though.."

Wendy extended her hand to me, saying, "Friends?" I took it, "friends."

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