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Kyles pov;

Kenny pulled me onto the bed him now on top of me.."You're so cute, kyle~" kenny whispered somewhat seductively. making me blush. "Not as cute as you, ken." Kenny started kissing me, I returned the kisses. "I love you so much, kenny.." kenny shifted so that I was now on top of him. Kenny started petting my cheek, "I love you too, bubbie~" I pushed him playfully. "Don't call me that dummy!" I said giggling. "Sorry~" kenny replied childishly. Causing us to both burst out laughing.

Kenny's pov;

I love making him laugh. His laugh is adorable. I embraced him and shifted, so I was now spooning him. "You're so warm, kenny.." kyle whispered, burying his face into my chest, making me blush, smiling. "You too.." I felt him go limp, causing me to look at him. He fell asleep. made me happy to see him sleep peacefully.. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day

I woke up laying on my back. Looking down, I could see kyle on top of me, basically hugging me. So cute...seeing him like this, gave me the urge to pet his I did. His hair was really soft and silky compared to mine..must wash his hair well, and his hair smelt good too.

This boy is so much more lucky. His living situation was soo much better than my situation. He has shampoo. I don't. All I have is dirty water. He has a nice comfy bed, too. Mine is hard and nasty.
He gets all the food he wants i don't, food is scarce in my house I barley eat anything since we can't afford anything but a candy bar.

And when we do, i just give it to Karen since I care about her eating more than myself.

"What are you doing.." I was snapped out of thought by kyle, "Oh uh- sorry I woke you!"

"No...its okay. I had to wake up at some point.."

"Why? We don't have school it's Saturday.."

"Well, you get it, stop being a smarty pants!" I laughed at kyles, angry sentence, causing him to glare at me. I sat up, but I kept him on me. With my hands on his waist. "Kenny, what-" I interrupted him, kissing him. Which he enjoyed. I got up completely letting kyle go to put my parka on. "You're leaving already?" I turned to see kyle still sitting on his bed with a disappointed expression. "Yeah?" I looked confused. "But why?" Kyle said, almost moaning. "You want me to stay?"

"Yeah.." kyle got up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. "I want you to stay with me all day..." him saying that caused butterflies.."Okay.." I put my parka down. "Well, what are we gonna do?" Kyle looked me up and down. "Cuddle?"

"Okay.. right now?"


Kyle picked me up bridal style and placed me back on his bed. And crawled up next to me. I pulled him closer, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He let out a sigh before wrapping his arms around me. I kissed him on the head, which made him giggle silently.

"Oh, kenny.. you make me so happy.. I don't know where I'd be without you.." kyle said silently. "Prolly with someone else or something.." I scoffed. "I guess so.." he looked up at me, smiling, making me blush. I returned the smile, causing him to giggle before burying his face in my chest.

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