the bus stop..

719 14 7

Kennys pov;

I stood at the stop sign in silence, waiting for my friends and kyle... Suddenly, I could see kyle approaching, waving at me. I ran to him waving. And pulled him to an obscure area..

"So...what are we?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked childishly..

"You know what I mean...are we.. boyfriends...?"

"If you want~"

I froze, blushing, I could feel a funny feeling forming.."Yeah.." kyles eyes widened, "w-what?!"
"O-only if you want to-"
"Y-yeah.." My face turned red. Kyle walked toward me and pulled me in for a hug. "You stupid bitch..I couldn't stop thinking about you after the kiss.." his grip tightened causing me to let out a Squeak. "S-same.." kyle loosened his grip, looking at me, blush forming across his face. I "love you, kenny.."

"I love you too, kyle.."

Kyle put his hand on my cheek, leaning forward, but I didn't hesitate. I grabbed him by his collar and started kissing him. Didn't take him long to catch up with me kissing me back. We were making out at this point, and I loved it. I loved him..and he loved me. We stopped to take a small break to catch our breath. But before I could completely catch my breath, kyle grabbed me by the waist, pulling me towards him way closer than before and starting making out with me more.

I honestly didn't care. I went with it and wrapped my arms around his neck. Thankfully, we were at the bus stop waaay earlier than usual, so we had all the time in the world~

We eventually stopped and left the spot holding hands walking to the bus stop to stand for an hour or more.

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