wendy and stan pt.2

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Stan's pov;

Wendy came back into the room with bebe, I don't really like bebe she's got a reputation for being a slut or whatever but I'll deal with it for Wendy..

We played Twister not too much to note except I messed up on one round and collapsed onto wendy, I was on top of her looking down at her, she was beaming then suddenly she caressed my cheek.

Just then, I realized I had more than platonic feelings for her. Made sense she was pretty, talented, smart, stood up for herself and her friends, not to mention her body damn.. All that's pretty attractive to me.

I decided to stay over the night at her house, obviously not telling her parents I was there. She snuck me out, and we went to school,

Kyle, kenny and cartman. All noticed me and wendy walking from the direction of her house, and they all raised a brow.

"So you're a couple now..?" Kenny asked. "I never thought it'd be you and her.." kyle said, confused. "I'm not at all surprised." Cartman stated.

"What?!" I gasped. "We're not...a..couple.." Wendy stated, staring at them all. "Really?" They all replied in unison.


"I mean..DUH! I don't see myself dating Stan like ever.."

That hurt..

I looked at Wendy with my hurt expression. She looked back at me, I assume now in deep thought before shaking her head and looking away.

Wendy's pov;

After I said that, I saw Stan looking at me in my peripheral and turned to look at him. He looked sad?

Looking at him gave me a funny feeling. Now that I was focusing on him, he did look pretty cute. Maybe we could...be more- nonono!

I looked away from stan getting rid of those ridiculous thoughts,  I mean stan..hes not my type, too sensitive..

I got on the bus stan sat with me, I could feel a hand creep over mine and wrapped around it. I looked down to see the obvious, Stan's hand holding mine.

For some reason, this made my stomach get butterflies.

After the bus stopped, I rushed into school to run away from the feelings forming. And put my stuff away. I leaned against my locker to breathe when I could see a figure approaching.

It was kyle. "Hey wendy!" I almost felt relieved seeing him. "H-hey!" His happy expression turned into concern,

"Wendy..are you ok?" He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder, "ye-no.."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah.. but somewhere, no one can bother us.."

"Okay." We went to an empty classroom.

"So what's bothering you?"

"Stan.." his concern turned into slight anger. "I swear if he insul-"

"No-no! He didn't insult me or anything like that!" He looked confused now, cocking his head to the side. "Then what'd he do?" I looked at the ground, biting my lip, "nothing.."

"Then... what about him is bothering you?"

"H-hes giving me the butterflies, and I'm finding him cute all of a sudden..which I never have!" Kyle Then smirked, "you've got a crush~"

I could feel blush creeping over my face and quickly cover my face. "B-but i-"

"There's nothing you can say to change the truth, wendy you've gotta crush on stan!"

"But he's not my type!"

"Well, type doesn't have to do with it sometimes, Kenny's not mine. After all, I was hell-bent on being straight. But look at me now. I'm dating him."

"Should I try?"

"Yeah! If he's a great friend, I'd assume he'd be a better boyfriend!"

"Okay.." I smiled, still unsure if I should give him a shot.

"Look, try getting to know him more than you already do, I see you're still unsure, and I'm not gonna force you to date him."

"Okay, I will." We left the classroom and went our separate ways from there.

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