Rescue Mission

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A/N: I just wanted to add that in the Intro chapter, I have added some pretext to my views on JKR. I will preface these here. Do NOT support HP in any monetary way. JKR will not learn otherwise that her vapid transphobia is completely unacceptable and morally fucked unless she sees her profits deteriorate. 

I wish this chapter was a little bit more original but the plot be plotting. Apologies everyone for the delay!

"Oh my fuck," [Name] uttered in a breathless whisper, practically sticking her head through the bars of her window to get a good look at him. To prove to herself she wasn't hallucinating. "Ron Weasley, how the fu- Harry wake up Ron's here!" She quickly scampered to her Twin's side, shaking him by the shoulders into a startled consciousness.

Honestly, the sight was so baffling she fumbled back to the window just to triple-check that she wasn't hallucinating. But no, she wasn't, Ron was actually there, leaning out of the back window of an old turquoise car parked in midair. She practically gasped at the grinning faces in the front seat: George and Fred, the Weasley twins in all their glory.

"All right, Pots?" George asked.

"George? Fred?" She could've almost cried, she had been deprived of her Weasley boys for too long.

Harry fumbled up next to her, rubbing the sand from his wide eyes.

"What have you been doing? What's gone on?" said Ron. "Why haven't you been answering our letters? I've asked you two to stay about twelve times, and then Dad came home and said you and Harry had got an official warning for using magic in front of muggles-"

"It wasn't us- how did he know?" Harry asked.

"He works with the Ministry," Ron said. "You know we're not supposed to do spells outside school-"

"Hypocritical much?" [Name] motioned to the floating car. "As cool as this is, there is nothing non-magical about it."

"Oh this doesn't count," said Ron. "We're only borrowing this. It's Dad's we didn't enchant this. But doing magic in front of muggles is-"

"Look as much as I would love to hear more... To cut it short: the magic wasn't from us and we've been locked in this hot ass room so please can you just get us out of here?" [Name] interrupted nearly begging. Harry was nodding fervently beside her. "Weasleys work your non-magic. I see that rope."

"Sharp eye as always [Name] oi-oi," Fred jested, bumping his elbow with each 'oi'. With a wave of his arm, he flung the end of the rope to Harry. "Tie that around the bars."

"But if the Dursleys wake up, we're dead," said Harry and - in spite of his protests - tied it securely around the bars. Both the twins winced as Fred revved the car, the accelerator roaring.

"I'd take death over cold soup any day. Rev away Mr Weasley," [Name] ushered on, grabbing Harry's hand as they both darted to the other side of the room into the shadows - as far as there possibly could from the windows. She, Harry, Hedwig and Trinket watched with bated breath and their silence clashed with the revving of the car that grew louder and louder with every passing second. The walls crunched and crackled before, finally, the bricks burst, and the bars were pulled clean from the windows. Fred drove into the sky, the bars a metal clunky tail dangling behind them.

That had been impossibly loud but there was no sound or stir from the Dursley bedroom... For now.

When the bars were safely tucked away in the back seat with Ron, Fred reversed as close as possible against the window.

"Get in," Ron said.

"But all our Hogwart stuff - our wands - my broomstick -"

"Where are they?"

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