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[UNEDITED] just before we begin the story I want to confirm that (Name) has green eyes like Lily but all her other features are up to the readers choice. I was reading through the previous chapters (unedited still) and there were a few typos about (Name's) eyes. If I say otherwise like (eye colour) it's a typo. Letting you know my babies. It's green. Period.

(Name) couldn't have regretted her decision of the previous night any more than she did the following morning. Sure, it was a bit of a fun adventure and she somewhat had a deep curiosity of what the three-headed dog guarded. But she was dead knackered. Her green eyes almost seething a murderous flare as they were ringed with tired black circles like she was a raccoon. Frankly, she wasn't having a good morning and there were lots of things to add onto her long list of problems: her (skin colour) skin was dry and flaking, (hair colour) hair greasier than normal; and she felt sweaty and strangely uncomfortable under her robes. The worse of the worse.

On the contrary, Harry and Ron were tired but perfectly cheerful, relishing in Malfoys surprise they were still at Hogwarts. And (Name) had a deep, spiteful, hatred of the two for it... Well...

"Hate" was a strong word but no doubt she was grumpy at her brother. And even though their late night adventures with the three headed dog had been an excellent experience, (Name) had a bit of a grudge about her brother ignoring her warnings.

She was somewhat envious. Her day was going terribly, though, her brother was quite the opposite. He received his new broomstick today.

As the owls flooded into the Great Hall at morning as usual, everyone's attention was caught at once of the long, thin package carried by six screech owls. (Name) lacked much interest until it was dropped right in front of Harry, who sat beside her.

The wrapped broomstick end flipped her cereal bowl straight onto the floor; her milk and her beautiful Lucky Charms (Tm) scattered and spilt.

Normally this wouldn't have been an issue but cereal was commonly associated with muggles and this had been part of her rations of cereal in finite supply. It was her favourite and the snobby pureblood wizard kids couldn't even comprehend the sweet marshmallow fever dream of this type of muggle extravaganza. Now Gone.

"Aww that's a shame ennit it George," Fred commented at the sad puddle of milk and marshmallow bits. Patting the Potter twin's shoulder in reassurance. "Guess these "lucky charms" of yours ain't so lucky after all."

"Fascinating. Muggles like leprechauns so they literally made them in to this so called "cereal." Pure genius I must say, my-so-called brother of mine." George said, admiring the the cereal box before noticing how quiet (Name) was. "Little potter? 'ittle pots? You alright? Don't worry it's just a bit of breakfast."

(Name) sighed and lip trembled a little bit, the stressful night still lingering, "My cereal..."

"Hey! Hey! Please don't cry over spilt milk! Though quite literally in this circumstance... Oh, Come 'ere, ya rascal," Fred piped in, quickly head-locking (Name) underneath his lanky but strong arms. She huffed and mewled as he teasingly rubbed her head, though a few giggles escaped her lips. "It's alright ittle pots!"

"Hey! You're ruining my hair!" She huffed, her cheeks warming at the embarrassing but endearing nickname the twins invented. Little pots or 'ittle pots. It was silly, just like the twins intended and (Name) loved them for it.

"Nothing much to ruin though is there?" George commented teasingly. Laughing as (Name) attempted to punch his arm but only to miss when she escaped from Fred's tight hold.

"There's that wonderful smile!"

"My smile is wonderful?" (Name) had been a little been caught off from that endearing comment. Fred and George chuckled at her perplexed expression, relishing in this fact.

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