Info Before We Cast Spells + an essay on JKR's transphobia and radical views

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Brief introduction and info.

Hello! I want to preface that I started this fic in 2018 at the age of 15 due to the lack of well-written HP fanfics including reader inserts. Many fics are a copy-paste of the original HP series with no involvement of the new characters. Typically OC's that repeat lines already said by preexisting characters. A repeat copy of the book essentially with like... one name change. 

Which is not great.

So, I wanted to put an interesting twist on the commonly used trope – Harry's twin –as a character aka YOU as the reader! I admit it's not an original trope but in most cases, it's very poorly executed. But I thought the idea had potential if done right.

Also, I will admit at times I use the book as a crutch but I tried my best to add personality to the reader. In later chapters whole sections of the book are original and showcase the characters' dynamics between the reader and the rest of the cast.

Similarly, dating is open here! I always love a good reverse harem and romance but this will be later in the story as year 1 is a bit early for that and as the cast are children throughout all 7 books, it won't extend past wholesome fluff. The reader will be panromantic.

But as someone with morals and common decency regarding human rights, I have to address the dreaded Joanne Kathleen Rowling aka the author of what this fic is based on:

J.K. Rowling

I started this fic with an appreciation and love for what she created but no knowledge of her own personal views. Since then, I've understood who she was as a person and how there have been negative ramifications within her own stories from her biases and stereotypes. So I won't beat around the bush. She is not a good person.

From vapid transphobia to racism, antisemitism, fat-shaming and many more issues, as a rich white woman, she has used her influence and privilege to harm minority groups instead of uplifting them. She claims to be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community while in the same breath condemning our trans friends and family as 'rapists' and 'a threat to women' when that couldn't be further from the truth. If some sick psycho – regardless of identity – wants to hurt a woman, they will do it. A sign on a bathroom door will not change that.

Being trans IS NOT and WILL NEVER BE a reason to hurt someone. 

I shouldn't even need to say this but trans people are just trying to live their lives. The whole point of being trans is having the choice of expressing your true self for yourself, regardless of gender roles. How could anyone see this as a negative thing?

Regardless of what you think about her or my views, her actions have had REAL effects on REAL people. It has HURT the people and children she claims to be protecting. I don't know why she is so against trans people but I don't care to know those reasons if it has ruined innocent individual lives. PEOPLE ARE KILLED OVER THESE RADICAL VIEWS.

So why bring this up? 

Well, this fanfic is written about a story she has written. But Harry Potter as a story is bigger and better than her. Once a book is published, it belongs to the reader. We hold the story in our hands. We are the ones who love and treasure the characters. We are the ones who breathe them with life and interpret the text. I admit it's difficult to ethically consume anything in today's society but we must at least TRY to not support JK directly and use literacy comprehension to understand that some topics that are portrayed as ethical in stories are - in reality - far from the fact. Don't even get me started on House-elves.

Like sometimes I don't think JK's even read the books she's written. Harry literally lives in the closet for 10 years??? And is hated by his family for who he is??? Are you fucking serious???

So in this fic, I will try to write topics in a more tasteful and respectful way. I am not perfect but I think HP as a story is good and in spite of all its flaws (Fucking hell some big fucking flaws in retrospect) is the only good thing JK Rowling has created. It has inspired many to be creative and the characters are loved. It means a lot to me and I want to redeem it for all its worth. 

Sorry for the essay but I thought it was an important issue to cover. So my final point is to PLEASE support charities and organisations that support trans people and children such as:

- Mermaids

- Stonewall

- Gendered Intelligence

And many more LGBTQ charities as well as for minorities and human rights to make up for Joanne's shortcomings.

Thank you and please enjoy.

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