Midnight Madness

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"Draco Malfoy is such a bloody tosser; [Name] I thought it would be impossible but I think there is someone I hate more than Dudley." Harry expressed his woes to his sister, who listened halfheartedly to her brother as she indulged herself in some wizarding literature. "He's just so nice to bother us, I mean come on, don't you think?"

[Name] peered over the spine of the book, raising a brow in her brother's direction. "That's a stretch don't you think? They're equally irritating but Draco is just like a child without the joy: needy, impulsive, smug and attention seeking. Pay him no mind, Harry, he wants our attention. We are famous, after all. He must think we're taking his limelight. Dudley's simply following his awful parent's example."

"Still, I don't like how he looks at you..." Harry huffed. "It's like he wants you to look at him."

"As I said, ignore him."

The twins were catching up on the daily gossip from their eventful week and Harry expressed evidently of his dislike for Draco, which [Name], to a certain extent, could agree upon but the whole thrill of performing her first non-verbal spell around him had somewhat imprinted a positive impression of Draco. Both twins were somewhat grateful they only had Potions with the Slytherins, so they didn't have to put up with Malfoy much. However, to mostly Harry's misfortune, the two would share flying lessons - Gryffindor and Slytherin would be learning together.

The two houses were never a good match.

[Name] was thrilled and anxious for the upcoming lesson, many other Hogwarts students had depicted the sport as fun and thrilling, Draco Malfoy, in this case, boasting about stories he had with flying with an emphasis on stories ([Name] didn't care that much to listen). A student named Seamus Finnigan told how he'd spent most of his childhood on his broomstick out in the countryside. Even Ron would tell of his experiences with Quidditch and flying about on his brother's  - Charlie's - broomstick and how he nearly hit a hand glider. It seemed everyone from wizarding families talked about Quidditch constantly, which made (Name) feel a bit nervous as she had never ridden a broomstick in her life.

This is what made her empathise with Neville as he hadn't either because his grandmother had never let him near one. Privately, [Name] knew the good reason why as the boy managed to have an extraordinary number of accidents even with both feet on the ground.

[Name] primarily emphasised with Hermione, as this was something you could not learn by heart out of a book. Though, at breakfast on Thursday, she would lecture them all with flying tips she had gotten out of Quidditch through the Ages. Neville hung on everyone word that could help him on his broomstick later but everybody else was pleased when Hermione's lecture was interrupted by the arrival of the mail. [Name] was never paying attention, even after a great night sleep, her brain was scrambled eggs.

The twins hadn't had a single letter since Hagrid's note, however, Trinket still came to her owner nevertheless to flaunt her newfound treasures, which after being in Hogwarts for some time, she was discovering more precious things [Name] could hardly imagine. For example, she had brought a smooth emerald the size of a brussel sprout and a broken snitch, which was dented in and had lost a wing. Malfoy had been quick to notice of the lack of letters, however, particularly for Harry; but once again, [Name] only knew this because Harry had told her so. Her twin was paranoid, she felt that much.

A barn owl, similar to Trinket, brought Neville a small package from his grandmother. [Name] watched in interest as he opened it excitedly and showed them a glass ball the size of a large marble which seemed to be full of white smoke.

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