Roasted like beef with salt

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The twin's last month with the Dursley's wasn't fun at all. Dudley was petrified of the twins - refusing to stay in the same room. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn't shut them in the cupboard, force them to do anything, or shout at them - in fact, they didn't speak to the twins at all. (Name) knew they were equally as terrified of her and Harry and they acted as though the seats the twin occupied were empty. Treated like ghosts, it was an improvement in many ways but over time it did become a bit depressing.

Nevertheless, the twin kept to their room, with their owls as a new company. Harry had called his owl Hedwig after reading the very name in a book called "a History of Magic."

(Name) had pondered on her owl's name, nearly doing something similar to Harry and calling her owl Newt after a famed Magizoologist named "Newt Scamander." It had a lovely ring to it. However, she settled with the name Trinket as the barn owl - on her nightly outings - brought back little trinkets and gifts back to her owner. The little items she brought back weren't drop-dead gorgeous but certainly interesting: a big red button, a broken pen, a 5p coin, (somehow) a golden tooth, a key, a dirty and broken medal, and other mismatched things. All these little treasures were endearing to (Name) and the name stuck. [Meanwhile, Harry, to his dismay, was only brought back dead mice from Hedwig. Trinket was rather picky and graceful about what she brought home.]

The school books were certainly interesting. (Name) and Harry, though they had their own books each, would lay on their bed late into the night and read from one together - (Name) with thick reading glasses - while the owls swooped in and out of the open window as they pleased. Every night before either of them went to sleep, Harry ticked off another day on the piece of paper the twins had pinned to the wall, counting down to Septemeber the first. The twins could hardly wait, especially (Name) who had already finished reading 5 out of the 8 wizarding textbooks, currently finishing the remaining three.

On the last day of August, the female twin suggested they better speak to their aunt and uncle about getting to King's Cross Station the next day, so the twins - hand in hand for reassurance - went down to the living room where their rotten family watched a quiz show on television. Harry cleared his throat and Dudley screamed and ran from the room.

"Er - Uncle Vernon?" Uncle Vernon grunted to show he was listening.

"We need to be at King's Cross tomorrow to - to go to Hogwarts."

Uncle Vernon grunted again.

"Would it be all right if you gave us a lift?"

Grunt. They supposed that meant yes.

"Thank you." They said in unison, (Name)'s grip tightening on Harry's hand in joy. Harry poker-face briefly faltered.

The two were about to go back upstairs to rejoice when Uncle Vernon actually spoke.

"Funny way to get to wizards' school, the train. Magic carpets all got punctures, have they?"

(Name) and Harry didn't say anything.

"Where is this school, anyway?"

"We don't know," said Harry, realizing this for the first time and he glanced at (Name), and he was shocked as her expression said the exact same thing. Usually, his sister knew everything and was a few steps ahead of Harry logic-wise, but it seemed as if the excitement of going had clouded her mind. She pulled the tickets Hagrid had given them out of her pockets and read it out loud, brows furrowing.

"We just take the train from... platform nine and three-quarters... at eleven o'clock."

Their aunt and uncle stared. "Platform what?"

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