Best Friend Since Birth

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"Up! Get up! Now!" (Name) and Harry woke up with a start at Aunt Petunia's shrill voice, being the first bloody noise of the day. Rapping at the door with her bony knuckles. "Up!"

(Name) naturally attempted to block out the incessant noise with an old, worn out pillow given to her, pressing it tightly against her ears. She was never a morning person. Her groans clearly demonstrated her resentment, she hadn't dreamt of anything but it was still a good sleep ruined.

She sensed movements from her twin as Harry rolled on his back and groggily sat up. Somehow Harry was more accustomed to the morning and understood his sisters disliking towards the time of day. This day, in particular, he emphasised completely with his sibling, who reminded him of the date with a tired grunt. "It's Dudley birthday."

Harry suddenly wanted to go back to sleep. But their Aunt was back at the door.

"Are you up?" She demanded.

"Nearly. We can't miss Dudley's birthday for the world," (Name) had answered for Harry, rolling her eyes sardonically towards Harry that made him smile slightly.

"You better watch your tone young lady or else! Well, get a move on. You two look after the bacon. And don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect for Duddy's birthday."

The Potter Twins shared exasperated looks, groaning.

Petunia snapped at then through the door. "What did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing..."

The twins turned their backs to each other and slowly got out of bed and began to get dressed. At one point, (Name) pulled a spider from out Harry's black hair, unfazed, as the cupboard under the stairs where the two slept together had hundreds of them.

When the two were finally dressed, they exchanged a sigh, another day of the Dursley's abuse. And they went down the hall, holding hands. (Name) squeezed his palm in reassurance and it reminded Harry he was not alone in this endeavour, which made him ease up a bit. For a brief moment, Harry had wondered how much more painful his life would have been if (Name) hadn't been by his side. She was really the only person who actually supported Harry since day 1; the days weren't as hard with her by his side. And she thought exactly the same. But maybe a bit more cynically and she probably expressed in her mind how the Dursley's should receive at least some karma.

In the kitchen, the table was practically concealed under all of Dudley's presents. The twins shared the same thoughts in a single look: about how Dudley was fat and why exactly would he want a racing bike when he hated exercise? Unless it included punching Harry as his own personal punch-bag. (Only If he was caught and luckily Harry was fast.)

That was one of some of the things different between the twins. (Name) had never been Dudley's punching bag; he would never hit a girl. This was quite insulting to her because frankly, all (Name) wanted to do was kick his ass for hurting Harry. She loved her brother and hated how Dudley could get away with punching him square in the nose.

Another thing different was (Name's) appearance. From first glance, she didn't even look like Harry's twin. Her soft hair was (colour) and (length), she didn't wear glasses (except for reading) and she had a rounder face compared to Harry. However, on closer inspection, their identical, bright-green eyes were unignorable and both were small and skinny for their age. Yet the strangest thing they had in common was the same scar shaped like a bolt of lighting, which adorned Harry's forehead and the side of his twin's neck. Neither of them could recall how they had got it and it was one of the first questions they had asked Aunt Petunia.

"In the car crash when your parents died," she said, "and don't ask questions."

But from the beginning, (Name) was doubtful, suspicious even. What were Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hiding? More so than Harry, who'd had accepted the "don't ask questions" rule for a tolerable life with the Dursleys. Twins or not, same scars didn't bode well with her. Harry knew she thought this way, obviously, but they didn't talk about it often, a reminder of your dead parents wasn't reassuring either.

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