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The school day went by faster than expected. As soon as the end of the day came around, you felt sad that you would have to wait until tomorrow to do it all over again.

"So, we can just go home now?" You asked confused. "Yeah, if you brought your car, or in Han's case, motorcycle, then you drive home. If you were assigned a bus to bring you home, you go to the bus line and wait for your bus. And if you walked here, then you walk back." Bangchan said, making sure to throw every detail out into the open. "Oh, simple enough then. Well, then I'm gonna go to my car and head home. See you guys tomorrow!" You said with a cheery voice.

Everyone waved goodbye. Well, everyone but Han. Instead, he ran after you. "Wait, wait! Let me walk with you!" he shouted as he neared you. You were confused until you remembered that he was headed the same way as you are anyway. "Oh, right. Motorcycle" you thought aloud.

"Yeah," he said quietly. The both of you walked out into the parking lot and towards your vehicles. "Did you park right next to me or something?" Han asked, confused as to why you were heading in the exact same direction as he was. "Yes, in fact, I did?" You told him matter-of-factly. "How do you know you parked right next to me? You don't even know what my bike looks like." He said, now VERY confused. "Actually, I do know what your bike looks like. As well as where you live." You said, realizing soon after that your words sounded a tad bit creepy. 

"Umm... Okay, creepy..." Han said, kind of second guessing his opinion on you. "NO. No, that is NOT what I meant. I'm so sorry, that was creepy. I just meant that I know where you live because I caught you leaving from my bedroom window this morning. We live across from each other." You said, making sure to clear the air. "Oh, so you're the new person from across the street then. My mom wants to bring you cookies. She was gonna force me to come with her but now I don't think that I would have a problem with that." He said, quite relieved that he wouldn't have to be social for no reason.

You looked at him and started to smile until you saw a look of doubt cross his face. "What's up?" You ask him, worried if you had said something wrong again. "Oh, it's just that, I'm worried about the real first impression I made this morning. You know, the one in my driveway?" He said, obviously feeling awful just talking about it.

"Calm down, I didn't even know who you were this morning. That scene doesn't even matter anymore now that I know what a great person you are." You said with a shy smile. 


You make it your vehicles and start them up. You back out first, and Han rides right behind you. 

After a few minutes, the both of you reach the highway. You see Han switch lanes to make it to where he was right next to you. He tapped on your window, asking you to roll it down. You complied. He pulled his mask up and held the side of your car. "Hey! There's a party this weekend at a buddy of ours's house. We asked if you were able to come and said you could!" Han shouted over the wind. 

"You really want me to go?!" You shouted, making sure you heard him right. "Well, it would seem so! I'm right here inviting you, aren't I?!" He shouted; his words full of sarcasm followed by his cheeky smile. "Alright, I'll go. But I do have to warn you that I've never been to a party in my entire life, and I don't have anything to wear!" You say, instantly realizing that you would have to go shopping. "Don't worry, I think I can help you with that. We can go to the mall on Friday after school to get you some new clothes. Okay?" He smiled once again as you nodded your head in agreement.

After that, he took his hand off of your car so you could roll your window back up. A few minutes later, the both of you turned onto your street and then into your driveways. As soon as the both of you parked and got back on the ground, you turned towards each other, and waved goodbye.

Danger | Han Jisung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now