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After telling your parents how your day went, you went up to your room to go take a shower. 

When you got into your room, you opened your window for some fresh air and locked your door for some privacy. After that, you gathered your clothes, towel, and slippers, and went into the bathroom to shower.


When you got out of the bathroom, you sat at your vanity mirror to start brushing your hair. The moment you sat down and looked in the mirror, you nearly fell out of your chair. "What the hell, Han!" You whisper shouted. It was clear that you scared the shit out of him. Was he... sleeping? "Holy shit, I'm so sorry, I was gonna leave before you got out. I just couldn't be around my parents. Please don't be mad at me, I swear I wasn't trying to be pervy or anything, I swear-"

"JISUNG!" You practically shouted. "It's okay, you just scared me, that's all." You reassured him once he calmed down. "Are you okay?" You asked as you walked over to him. You touched his shoulder to comfort him but pulled away when he winced. "Sorry, did I hurt you? I didn't mean to." You apologized. "No, you didn't hurt me. My parents did." He says with tears welling up in his eyes. 

You grabbed his face and wiped the tears off of his cheek. You looked at his shoulder and couldn't believe that you didn't see if before. There were traces of blood trailing from his shoulder to mid-back. You covered your mouth with your hand as you examined his shirt. 

You walked over to your desk and opened all of your drawers until you found a pair of scissors.

"You don't mind if I ruin your shirt, do you?" You ask, not wanting to ruin his clothing without his permission.

"You can't possibly ruin it any more than it is now." He laughs painfully.

With his permission, you walk back over to where he was sitting and take the bottom of his shirt. You start to cut his shirt until you reach the neckline. Then, you carefully pull it off of him, making sure not to hurt him any more than he already is.

As soon as you got his shirt off, you wanted to cry at the sight. You thought that it might've just been small cuts with small traces of blood seeping through his shirt, but you were terribly wrong. He had ridiculously large wounds with blood seeping through bandages and the shirt.

"Do me a favor and stay right here. I'll go get my mom." You said as you started to get up. "NO!" he grabbed your wrist to make sure you didn't leave. "Please, don't get your parents. They'll just call across the street and get my parents even more angry at me.  Imagine what they'll do then." He said, fear stricken. "Okay, then at least let me go downstairs and grab the first aid kit for you. You really don't know how to bandage your wounds." You said, asking him to let you go.

After a few seconds, he let you go, and you made your way downstairs.

Luckily for you, your parents were watching their weekly romance movie as a "stay at home date," which made it easy to get passed them. You went to the laundry room, grabbed the first aid kit, and made it back to your room as fast as you could.

You let tears roll down your face at the site of him. A sick feeling in your stomach while thinking how a parent could do this to their child.

He was sleeping again. You walked over to him and woke him gently. You hated the sight of him like this but couldn't take your mind off of the fact that you had a shirtless guy in your room.

 You hated the sight of him like this but couldn't take your mind off of the fact that you had a shirtless guy in your room

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You sat down next to him and removed his bandages. The wounds were bad, but not so bad that you couldn't fix them. All you would need is stitches, gauze, and more bandages. "Hey can you turn your back to me for a second?" You asked the sleepy man. He did as you asked and you started to stitch. As soon as the needle pierced his injured skin, he grabbed your thigh with one and bit the other to keep himself from being loud and alerting your parents.

Once you were done with his back, you had the front to do. "I'm done with the back. I just need to do the front." You said as he turned around. You could see tears streaming down his face. You took a second to look down at the hand he was biting. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad. It would heal within a day or two. "Umm... I can't get the front without getting in a certain position-" you started, only to be cut off by him. "Just do it. I don't care what position we have to be in, the only thing that matters is that you're nice enough to help a guy like me."

And with that, you straddled his lap. "I have to warn you, it's going to hurt more where your shoulder and collarbone are because the skin is thinner than the skin on your back." You warned, making sure he knew.

You started to stitch near his collarbone, which was a lot harder for you because you could actually see the pain on his face this time. After only the first stitch, it was already too painful for him. He grabbed your hips and squeezed while throwing his head back into the wall he was leaning against. "Be careful, I know you might need to squeeze something to relieve the pain, but it is hard for me to be stitching you up while I'm the thing you're digging your fingers into." You said, making sure he didn't prevent you from stitching properly.

Once you were done stitching his collarbone and shoulder, you applied the gauze and bandages generously to his wounds. Then, you snuck into your mom and dad's room and grabbed one of the shirts that your dad hasn't worn since high school and wouldn't notice if it went missing.

Once you were back in the room, you helped Han put the shirt on and get up. As you started to walk away, Han grabbed your arm and pulled you into a hug, which you quickly returned. "Thank you so much, Y/N." He said, followed my him planting a kiss on your forehead. You pulled away, blushing.

Once you calmed down, you pulled the covers on your bed back, and helped Han into it. Once he was tucked in, you made your way to the couch in your room with blanket and pillow in hand.

"Y/N, come here. Just because I'm here, doesn't mean that you need to give up your bed. Just sleep with me for the night."

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