What are we?

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"Just sleep with me for the night."

You can't believe that he actually just said that. "Are you sure? I mean I can just sleep on the-"

"No, it's your bed. Your gonna sleep in it. If I have to move onto the couch for you to sleep in your own bed, then I will. But you are going to sleep in your bed." Han demanded.

You weren't going to make your injured guest stay on your couch, so you climbed under the covers.

As soon as your head was on the pillow, you were met with the most beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen. They were polluted with pain and sadness, but they were beautiful under all that. 

You reached up from under the covers and ran the back of your fingers against the smooth surface of his face. He reached up and gently grabbed your wrist and brought your hand down to his chest. "I feel safe with you." He said, causing your face to burn up. "Thank you for taking care of me. I really appreciate you."  

You took your hand off of his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders

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You took your hand off of his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. The both of you fell asleep within moments of being in each others arms. 


You woke up in the middle of the night to Han trying to climb out of your window. It wasn't going so well for him because he was severely injured, but he was trying.

"Han, where are you going?" You asked, tired. He climbed back into your room and walked back over to your bedside. You climbed to the edge of the bed and hung your legs off of it. He knelt down in front of you and wrapped his arms around your torso. You wrapped your arms around him as he buried his face in your stomach. Your hand made its way up to his hair and pulled him closer.

The both of you pulled away and he stood up. He leaned over so that the both of you were face to face, and he stared into your eyes. "Thank you, angel" and that was all he said before he got up and walked away.

He got to your window and sat on the ledge before turning his head towards you just to look at you one last time before he left. And then, he was gone.


You woke up to your alarm clock for the second day of school. You didn't feel right. You let your arm drift over to the side of the bed, and it was painfully empty. You wondered if last night was only a dream.

You got up to get ready and walked over to your closet to pick out the clothes you were going to wear to school today. You picked something out and put it on. Then, you walked over to your vanity mirror and sat down to brush your hair and apply some makeup. You looked behind you and remembered seeing the injured Jisung from last night. It only made you miss him even more.

Once you were done fixing your appearance, you walked over to your window to see if Jisung was out in his driveway. His motorcycle is still in the driveway. Maybe he's still inside. You thought. 

All of a sudden, a face popped up in your window. You smiled and opened it and allowed him to climb back into your room. He grabbed your chin and waist to pull you closer. "Good morning, angel." He said staring deeply into your eyes. 

He quickly looked away and cornered himself in your room. "I'm sorry. I don't know what that was." He said shyly. It was clear that he was trying to avoid any awkward situations.

"It's okay, I don't mind." You said with a smile. He walked over to you and took your hand. "Can we not tell the boys about last night? It'll only make us look bad for sleeping in the same bed as each other after only one day of knowing each other." He requested. 

I nodded in agreement, and he let go of my arm. "I'll wait for you outside. We can drive to school together. Okay?" He said before climbing onto the ledge of your window again. You walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. Then, he left back to his driveway.

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