Forgotten birthday.

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Tw! Suicide

Dazai woke up to a headache. It was common for him to start his mornings like this. He slowly opened his eyes as looked at his phone, and realized that it was June 19th. His birthday. He never really felt like his birthday was something special, but he smiled at the thought of his co-workers welcoming him and wishing him a happy birthday. He decided to get up and go to work to see them. They were kinda like his family after all. He took some medicine for the headache and went to get ready.

He arrived to the agency in a surprisingly good mood, he actually felt genuinely happy for the first time in a while.

-Good morning guys!- He said cheerfully as he opened the door. His co-workers responded, but didn't mention anything about his birthday. It saddened him a little bit, but he decided not to think about it too much. Who knows, maybe they're planning a surprise?

It's been two hours, and still no one mentioned anything about his birthday. Dazai decided to work for a bit to keep his mind busy.

Three hours. Three and a half. Four hours.

-Hey Dazai, I noticed that you are actually doing your work today, what's the special occasion?- Those words felt like a knife just went through his chest.

-Why, I just felt like doing something productive today, does anyone know what day it is today by the way?- He responded calmly.

-You and being productive? That's strange- Kunikida muttered not looking away from his work.

-It's June 19th today, Dazai-san!- Atsushi answered. This made him feel like the knife in his chest got twisted around a few times.

-Thank you, Atsushi-kun. Now if you excuse me, I'm done with this boring work today, I'm gonna head off now, bye~- Dazai hummed as he stood up and left the agency.

-Oh well, I guess now we'll have to wait for another god knows how many years for him to be productive again-Yosano said with a laugh.

-Hm... You guys messed up by the way- Ranpo suddenly said eating his snacks per usual. Everyone looked at him with confusion.

-Huh? How so?- Atsushi asked.

-You all forgot that it's his birthday today-He simply explained. Everyone was too shocked to say anything.

-What? Why didn't you tell us?- Yosano finally said.

-Well, I thought you'd remember- Ranpo stated. The atmosphere was now filled with guilt. Everyone has decided to apologize to Dazai tomorrow and give him presents.

Dazai on the other hand went to his favourite bar, where he used to drink with Odasaku. He ordered his usual drink and sat in one of the seats. Thankfully, this bar's always empty so he's always alone here.

I thought I finally found someone who cared about me. Am I really just the "annoying, selfish guy who's never serious" to them? Do they actually think that all the suicide attempts were just some kind of jokes?

He felt betrayed. Even though he doesn't consider his birthday special, he thought he would at least get a simple "Happy birthday, Dazai" from his friends, from the people he considers his family. He drank a few drinks and left the bar to head to somewhere even better. It's been 30 minutes and he was now sitting on the rooftop of the highest building in Yokohama. It was already dark and the city lights shined beautifully. The view was breathtaking.

He really didn't hear a single "happy birthday" today. It was different when he was in the Port Mafia. Chuuya, Mori, Odasaku and all the executives always wished him a happy birthday. After all, he was the right hand man of the boss.

He took of his shoes, stood up, and took a one, final glance at the city. A smile formed on his face.

"Happy birthday to me" was the last thing he said as he smiled and threw himself off the building. He was finally free from this cruel world. He no longer had to hide anything, he no longer had to act happy. Oh, how long has he waited for this beautiful moment. A few tears ran down his cheeks as he hit the ground.

There was no tomorrow.

words: 706


Why do I fail to do any longer ones TnT

Well hope you liked it anyway!

Have a good day/afternoon/night!

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