In pain, but at least you're here(unfortunately).

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Hiiii hi hi hi!!!!!

Guess who's back!!! With... Not Dazai angst this time, sorry loves :((

But I still have some food for you, today I decided to feed you some soukoku fluff since that's the only therapy I can pay you for :3
Yeah, have fun I guess..??

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Nakahara Chuuya does not dream.

No, of course he doesn't. Such luxuries are reserved only for humans. Or... at least, beings that do have a real, beating heart.
His sleep could rather be compared to drowning in nothingness. Darkness.
Endless, complete darkness and deafening silence. Sounds rather... peaceful and harmonic, yet for some reason he'd always wake up in cold sweat, with strands of red hair sticking to his forehead and heavy pants leaving his mouth as he'd nervously glance over the room he woke up in.

This time was no different.

No blinding white walls. No strange men dressed in all white. No muffled screams of agony and unheard cries of children.
No pain—

"Ow, fuck—"

Well, that's a lie.
His body hurt like hell. All of it.
Every single muscle of his ached unimaginably, of course there had to be the irritating pounding in his head that refused to let him actually think and come up with any conclusions, and the unbearable heat radiating from his whole body couldn't be missing as well.

"Fucking hell—"

He struggled to turn on the lamp that was placed on the nighstand, but managed eventually.


Too fucking bright, damnit.

His eyes squinted, trying to adapt to the sudden burst of light in the room.

So he was in his room, afterall.

"What the fuck happened..?", He muttered to himself, massaging his pounding head with one hand, while the other one struggled to keep him up straight and soon failed, making him fall back on the soft, high-quality mattress with a thump and an annoyed groan from the red-head himself.

Good thing he wasn't exactly short on money.

At least he didn't have to sleep on some rotten, thin piece of cardboard or something.

Like he used to—


He groaned in both annoyance and pain, and tried to sit up again in order to stand up(But let's not get the hopes too high up for now, it's going to be an achievement if he even manages to sit up in this state—)




Okay what the fuck was that. Apparently he wasn't the only one in the penthouse.

Oh, he's so fucked.
Or rather, the burglar or whoever is in the house is fucked, that's for sure.

He grabbed a gun from the nightstand(he usually didn't need it, but it was necessary in times like these) and slowly got up.

Honestly, how did they even get in? He had the highest security system possible, who could even manage to break in?

Well, the pounding in his head definitely wasn't helping him in being rational.

He started cautiously and slowly walking towards the kitchen. His body ached with every single step, screaming at him to just turn around and go back to bed.
He turned on the kitchen light and–

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