Chapter 12

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Snowflight's POV

I was hopping with excitement as I padded beside Jayfeather on the way to the Gathering. I felt as if I could barely contain myself! This almost feels like my first full-moon Gathering, it's been so long. At least, it feels like it!

"Jayfeather, I can't wait!" I squealed out loud to my former mentor, gently nosing him to the side as we veered around a tree.

"I sure can," Jayfeather muttered begrudgingly beside me.

I rolled my eyes, amused by Jayfeather's words. "Well, of course!" I purred, wrapping my tail around his back to guide him through some thick undergrowth. "You've been to many more Gatherings than I have!"

"And I'd be thankful for that, Snowflight," Jayfeather went on, staring down at the ground as if he could see. "There may be a truce expected at these Gatherings, but it isn't always obeyed..."

I stared at Jayfeather, my heart filling up with concern at Jayfeather's. It took me a moment to remember why my former mentor would feel this way, before remembering that crazy night six moons ago when Hollyleaf had told the entire Gathering who their real parents were. It had caused Hollyleaf, along with Goldenshine, to almost die in a tunnel collapse, and Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf now held a grudge against Leafpool and Squirrelflight for lying to them.

Poor Jayfeather... I thought to myself, continuing to stare at my former mentor with concern. And since then he's still had to come to these Gatherings and face all of these cats after what his sister did.

"I completely understand," I meowed softly as ThunderClan began to walk alongside the lake. I sighed, keeping my tail wrapped around Jayfeather's back, but not for guidance this time, but for support. I was actually shocked that Jayfeather didn't hiss or pull away, knowing quite well that affection wasn't his thing. "It is difficult when you find yourself in a tough situation that you didn't even ask for."

I then watched as Jayfeather sniffed, shifting his blind gaze to me. "How would you know?" He asked, his eyes narrowed.

I let out a quiet purr of amusement, looking down to the ground below. "Well, I guess I don't," I admitted shyly. "I just wanted to try and make you feel better..." Jayfeather, of course, is always prickly and short-tempered, but never sad... I don't like it at all. Even if some cats just saw their mentors as mentors primarily, I cared for Jayfeather immensely, and wanted to show him that I would be there for him if he ever needed me.

After I had spoken, I definitely didn't expect any sort of reciprocation. So, I was surprised to say the least when Jayfeather actually turned his head to touch his muzzle briefly to my cheek for a couple of heartbeats. I closed my eyes, relishing his familiar scent as I felt my stomach twist.

But, the shock I felt immediately went away as Jayfeather pulled away, and I caught sight of the island, now in clear view as we traveled across the lake.

I gasped, beginning to hop up and down once again. "Jayfeather, there it is!" I purred. "Can you see it?"

"No, I can't," Jayfeather muttered, lashing his tail. Before I could apologize to the gray tabby tom, forgetting that he was blind for just a moment, he spoke again as he shook his head. "Now stop hopping, or you'll be too tired to get to the island."

"Sorry," I muttered, nodding and beginning to pad slowly once again. It was then that I realized that I wanted to look more calm and collected, as I was entering this Gathering as a full ThunderClan medicine cat for the first time.

I can't help hopping and being so excited though, I thought, I haven't been to a Gathering in a long time!

I tried to hold in another squeal as I saw the fallen tree that led onto the island. I let out a huff as I realized that the makeshift bridge almost wasn't necessary at this point, considering there were just a few small puddles filling up lake, nothing more. Cats could just easily walk on the ground where the large body of water used to be.

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