Chapter 22

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Lilypetal's POV

I stared sadly out at the lake with my tired eyes, feeling almost as if I couldn't go on with a normal day after what had happened last night.

But now, I didn't know whether I was overwhelmed with grief or... happiness as I recalled what had happened last night. I had actually got to lay eyes on my daughter, even after her death. It had been absolutely wonderful, getting to see her looking so well, and breathing in her scent just one last time.

There had only been one part of all of it that left me utterly confused. What did Snowflight mean? I wondered as I thought about Snowflight's cryptic words that she had spoken just before she disappeared. She'll be back someday?

I shook my head quickly, trying not to overthink it and ruin the amazing experience that me, Thornclaw, Goldenshine, and Jayfeather had gotten to share. She probably just meant she would visit us again in a dream. What else could she mean, after all? Nothing else would make much sense.

I was still sitting there, deep in thought when I suddenly heard pawsteps behind me. I blinked out of my thoughts and turned to see Thornclaw approaching, looking almost as exhausted as I was.

"Hey, there," I purred as my mate padded up to sit beside me.

"Hey," he replied, wrapping his tail around his paws. "Have any good dreams last night?"

I rolled my eyes and gave Thornclaw a nudge. "That's not funny," I insisted, looking into his pale blue eyes. "That dream was incredibly special. How many cats are blessed to receive closure like that? Not many, I'm sure!"

Thornclaw's smirk disappeared as he began to nod slowly. "I know," he responded, the humor in his eyes being replaced with awe. "I can't even believe it."

"Neither can I! The more that I think about it, the more confused that I become!" I admitted, managing to let out a small purr of amusement.

Thornclaw nodded in agreement. "Me too. You have no idea!" He meowed, his eyes wide. "Concepts like that are never fun, huh?"

I snorted, exchanging an amused look with the golden tabby. "No, definitely not!" I meowed back, shaking my head slowly as I stared out at the lake.

A couple of heartbeats after I had spoken, I felt Thornclaw shift himself closer to me. My stomach filled up with butterflies at his closeness, and I turned my head to meet Thornclaw's gaze. My heart melted as I was welcomed with a warm, affectionate gaze, something I hadn't seen in Thornclaw for a long time now.

"Lilypetal, listen," Thornclaw then meowed softly. "I feel like we haven't gotten a chance to talk."

I took a deep breath as I nodded. "I couldn't agree more," I murmured as I felt my tail droop behind me, my head lowering. "Thornclaw, I-"

"Okay, stop right there," Thornclaw insisted, and I tilted my head as he brushed his tail over my muzzle to silence me. "Lilypetal, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for."

"That is not true!" I retorted, taking a step closer to Thornclaw. "I mean... I didn't even give you a chance to explain. All I did was begin to make you feel badly..." I trailed off as a wave of guilt passed through me.

Thornclaw was shaking his head. "And you had every reason to," he meowed, touching his muzzle to my cheek. "I deserved everything that I got."

"But I called you a traitor!" I wailed as I recalled our first argument. "I said that I wasn't proud of you... oh, Thornclaw, please know that I am always proud of you."

"I know you are," Thornclaw whispered as he stared back at me, his eyes sparkling. "But I have one question..."

Uh, oh. I pricked my ears nervously. "Yes?"

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