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The half-moon shone in the sky as seven cats walked together through the forest. In the back of the group, a white she-cat shivered and squealed with excitement as they traveled.

"Snowpaw," a gray tabby tom hissed, turning back to face the white she-cat, "Calm down, or you'll scare every piece of prey in this forest!" He looked down and shook his head as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Jayfeather. I'm just so excited! After all, I've only come to the Moonpool two times!" Snowpaw meowed happily. "It's so great being a medicine cat apprentice!" Jayfeather suppressed a purr of amusement as Snowpaw started to run around the area, hopping up and down.

Jayfeather then recalled that originally, Snowpaw had trained as a warrior apprentice along with her sister, Goldenshine. But, almost immediately after she had begun her apprentice, she had taken an interest in herbs and the ways of healing, popping into the medicine den and helping out wherever she could. Jayfeather had barely been able to stand it for the first couple of moons, but eventually got used to the curious she-cat's company. He wasn't surprised at all when Firestar had approached him with Snowpaw, asking if she could train as his apprentice after Leafpool stepped down.

As much as he would hate to show it, he truly was very proud of his apprentice of six moons now. She knew all the herbs that she could possibly learn about. Which didn't take her long at all, Jayfeather remembered. She was also very attentive and a great listener, showing so much passion for what she was learning. Jayfeather couldn't ask for much more.

"She sure has come a long way," a pretty golden she-cat meowed, almost repeating Jayfeather's thoughts. "When is she getting her medicine cat name?"

"I'm thinking tonight, Mothwing," Jayfeather answered.

Mothwing nodded and smiled as a gray tabby she-cat hopped in front of her. "Really?" she asked excitedly. "I'm so excited for Snowpaw! It felt so exhilarating getting my medicine cat name."

"Quiet, Willowshine!" a small tabby tom hissed, nodding his head over to Snowpaw, who was still hopping around the group, luckily unaware of their conversation.

"Oh, sorry, Littlecloud," Willowshine said more softly, slapping her tail over her mouth.

Jayfeather heard a mrrow of amusement next to him. "Wow, and I thought she was quiet!" a ginger tom joked, flicking his tail to Snowpaw. "The Moonpool brings out a different side of her, doesn't it?"

"Oh, be quiet, Flametail!" Willowshine meowed, nudging him on the shoulder. "We need eager apprentices like her!"

Jayfeather had let out a small hiss at Flametail's comment. It was true, Snowpaw had been fairly quiet and shy with him at first, speaking full sentences scarcely and hesitating with every move she made. But it had not taken her long at all to open up to Jayfeather and reveal the eager and bright personality that she had. Jayfeather usually couldn't stand cats like that, but Snowpaw's mix of quiet eagerness but undeniable kindness and spirit was actually quite easy for him to tolerate.

As the half-moon rose higher in the sky, and more stars appeared up in Silverpelt, the cats walked on, with Snowpaw still following in the back. It wasn't before long that the cats arrived at the Moonpool, and Jayfeather could feel StarClan's presence instantly. He shivered with excitement as he sensed Snowpaw padding over to the Moonpool.

This is it! Jayfeather thought. He walked over to where he knew Snowpaw was standing and turned to face her. He could sense her intense nervousness and excitement.

"Before we begin sharing tongues with StarClan," Jayfeather meowed, "I believe that it is about time that my apprentice, Snowpaw, received her full medicine cat name." As he said this, Jayfeather suddenly felt a wave of happiness come from Snowpaw, and he could hear her gasp.

"Really?" Snowpaw breathed, kneading her paws into the ground quickly in enthusiasm.

"Yes, really," Jayfeather answered, flicking Snowpaw's ear with his tail. "You have worked very hard these past six moons. You are ready."

Jayfeather then felt Snowpaw become more focused and attentive, straightening herself up, as he started the ceremony. "I, Jayfeather, medicine cat of ThunderClan, call upon my ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained very hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help, she will serve her Clan for many moons."

Even though Jayfeather had no sight, he could tell that Snowpaw's gaze was directly on him. "Snowpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Snowpaw responded, her voice shaking. She sounded very nervous, but there was no hesitation or uncertainty there.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true medicine cat name!" Jayfeather meowed clearly. "Snowpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Snowflight! StarClan honors you for your incredible skills and your eagerness for knowledge!"

"Snowflight! Snowflight!" The other cats around the Moonpool shouted. Jayfeather padded up to Snowflight and touched his nose to her head.

"Snowflight... I love it!" Snowflight whispered, her tail twitching as Jayfeather pulled away. "Thank you, Jayfeather. And thank you for letting me become your apprentice. I could not be more thankful."

"You deserve it," Jayfeather murmured, touching his nose to his former apprentice's, who would now work beside him as a full medicine cat. He certainly wasn't one for huge sentimental moments, but he was genuinely proud of Snowflight and all she had done to get to this point. I can be at least a little vulnerable right now, I suppose, Jayfeather realized.

Then every cat padded up to the Moonpool, licked up some of the ice-cold water, and fell asleep. Jayfeather closed his eyes, and instantly he was standing in the middle of ThunderClan's territory. As he scanned around, now being able to see, he immediately noticed a mysterious gray shape moving up ahead. Jayfeather tried to make out who it was, narrowing his blue eyes, but before that was even possible, his dream suddenly flashed to the ThunderClan medicine den, where he saw Snowflight working.

Jayfeather stared in awe and shock, for he had never actually seen Snowflight before. There was no way he had been able to, being blind. Jayfeather observed that her fur was pure white with beautiful ice blue eyes, and a long, furry tail. She was intently organizing herbs and putting them in stacks.

Just like she always does, Jayfeather thought fondly.

Then, out of nowhere, a rustle from a bush came from behind the den. Snowflight lifted her head from her work and dropped her herbs, her eyes widening. Just as a familiar scent began to flood through Jayfeather's nose, the dream flashed away again, and he suddenly saw Ashfur, creeping out from the darkness.

Oh, no! What does that mouse-brain think he's doing? Jayfeather wondered in panic. Before he could leap on Ashfur and stop him from whatever he was about to do, the dream flashed one last time, and Jayfeather saw several cats fighting in the ThunderClan forest, ripping each other apart and seemingly trying to kill each other.

As Jayfeather was watching in complete and utter terror, suddenly his eyes shot open, and he was blind again. He could hear the other medicine cats beginning to stir and stand up, and Snowflight waking up beside him.

"That was... amazing!" she meowed joyfully. "My dreams seem to become more cryptic and mysterious each time..." Jayfeather then heard her run quickly away from the Moonpool with the others following closely behind her, purring.

After processing what he had just seen for a few heartbeats, Jayfeather finally stood up and began to follow the others. Are Snowflight and the Clans in great danger? Jayfeather asked himself fearfully. Great StarClan, I'm already dealing with enough!

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