Chapter 15

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Snowflight's POV

I didn't even know how I felt about this entire situation. Of course, I was incredibly frustrated with Goldenshine, my own sister, for breaking the warrior code in the way that she did, and having kits with Breezepelt of WindClan.

But, I couldn't help also feeling extreme twinges of excitement. I mean, I had helped to deliver kits, without Jayfeather's help! Up until now, I had helped my mentor with many deliveries, but this was the first one I had done entirely by myself. No direction, no advice from another cat... I just had to go off of my own memory.

Unfortunately, I was also heartbroken that this first delivery had resulted in three out of the four of Goldenshine's kits not making it. But... sometimes there are problems and wounds that medicine cats can't even heal, I tried to reassure myself as I walked on my own back to camp.

I then paused, catching sight of a borage bush just a couple of tail-lengths away. I let out a small huff of satisfaction as I padded over, deciding to collect some. I then nearly flinched as I noticed that Jayfeather was suddenly approaching from behind me. I looked up and met his gaze to see that his blind eyes were glowing with admiration.

"Hey!" I purred, lifting up some of the herbs I was collecting to Jayfeather's nose. "Borage!"

As I then turned back to the bush to collect more herbs, I felt Jayfeather lightly touch his tail to my flank."I am very proud of you, Snowflight," Jayfeather murmured.

I flicked my ears, shocked, thinking that Jayfeather had never sounded so... happy.

I must have really impressed him! I realized excitedly. Of course, he hadn't been able to look at me when he had spoken, though. He could never show too much joy, to my dismay!

"Thanks, Jayfeather," I then responded, nudging him on the shoulder. "But it wasn't all me, you know. I couldn't have done it without you teaching me in the first place!"

Jayfeather lifted his head up with clear pride. "Heh, then I'm not surprised you did so well," he meowed with a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Oh, whatever, you gloating mouse-brain!"

I let out a mrrow of laughter before picking up my new bundle of herbs. Then Jayfeather and I continued to travel to camp together in silence, side by side. As we got closer, I realized that I was beginning to be able to hear faint sounds of whimpers and high-pitched meows.

Oh, dear. I think I know who that is.

I looked at Jayfeather with concern in my eyes, lightly touching my nose to his ear to get my former mentor's attention. Jayfeather immediately shifted his head, giving me an inquiring look. "Hm?" He murmured simply.

I kept shooting quick glances in the direction of camp anxiously. "Jayfeather, I think I need to-"

Even though I hadn't given him any details, Jayfeather already seemed to know what my intentions were. He began to push me forward with his tail gently. "Go on, Snowflight," he meowed. "Be with your sister. I'll see you in the medicine den in a little while."

I couldn't suppress a purr that had begun to rumble in my throat, and I then found myself briefly nestling my head into Jayfeather's neck fur. "Thank you," I whispered. "Are you sure that you don't need help getting back to camp?"

Then, two shocking things happened. Firstly, Jayfeather didn't pull away from my muzzle digging into his fur. In fact, he somewhat pressed back. Secondly, letting out a snort, he then meowed. "Oh, please, Snowflight. I don't need help."

I stared at the gray tabby, confused, for a couple of heartbeats. And just as I was about to question him, he finally pulled away and nodded in the direction of camp. "Now go," he muttered. "Goldenshine will want you back with her."

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