Chapter 24

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Lilypetal's POV

The Clans had greatly thrived since Dovepaw and Lionblaze had retrieved the water to the lake.

Everyone was going to give up hope! I realized to myself, recalling the unison of misery that spread among the Clan as we had awaited the two young cats' return. But after the water had burst back into the lake from the river, Lionblaze and Dovepaw had returned about a full day later, their heads held high as they walked back into their camp.

Everything had already seemed to become brighter. The cats of ThunderClan, well, all of the Clans in fact, were becoming stronger already. Because cats were no longer thirsty, they were beginning to gain their strength again. And as an amazing bonus, the prey is back too!

Now, it was the moonhigh after the miracle, and the cats of ThunderClan were heading to the gathering to discuss the drought situation, or rather, the end of the drought situation. The cats of ThunderClan had all exited camp as we beamed with pride, ready to conquer any future issues that came our way.

We could see the other Clans traveling in the distance, looking as happy as we were. The lake looked as plentiful as it had ever been.

The full moon was high in the sky, and ThunderClan was the first to arrive to the gathering island. I excitedly walked across the old tree with Thornclaw just behind me.

"It is wild how quickly things have improved," Thornclaw had said to me as we walked across the log. "It just seems like the cats were arguing, and struggling to live, and now everyone's... happy!"

I nodded back to my mate in agreement. "It's a miracle if I'd ever seen one!" I purred, not being able to hold back an incredibly satisfied smile.

Thornclaw padded up to flank me, his pale blue eyes gleaming with humor. "Well, sure," he purred back, nudging my shoulder with his. "What type of miracles did you experience back when you were a kittypet? Your Twoleg letting you outside for just a little longer?"

I let out an exaggerated gasp, pretending to be offended as I nudged Thornclaw back. "Great StarClan, you're such a bully!" I exclaimed. I then thought for a moment, and then shrugged. "But honestly, you're not wrong." If not that, it was either getting a little less food in my food bowl, or getting less than ten shots at the vet...

I then looked warmly at Thornclaw as he howled with laughter, and a purr rumbled in my throat as he dug his muzzle into my neck fur. I'm so happy that we're together again... I thought, licking Thornclaw's head. It was even just little moments like this that made me miss this little furball so much.

Thornclaw and I then leaped off of the log and onto the island, side by side.

Then, the cats of ThunderClan began to disperse around the island, and approaching the other Clans as they arrived just behind us.

I had just called a farewell to Tawnypelt of ShadowClan, and I decided that I was going to start finding my way back to ThunderClan, figuring that the Gathering would start at any moment.

I then stopped in my tracks when out of the corner of my eye, I could see Goldenshine standing in a small clearing just a few fox-lengths ahead. She was whipping her head around in many directions, her eyes focused, as if she was looking for someone.

I narrowed my eyes, the mystery of who she might be talking to not being much of a head-scratcher. Breezepelt.

I sighed, not wanting my daughter to fall into the same trap all over again. I knew that now her loyalties were fully on ThunderClan once again, she had already seemed so much like her old self again, and I didn't want to watch it deteriorate all over again. As I was about to pad up to my daughter, a loud yowl came from the large oak, and I looked up to see that all four leaders were on their tree branches.

The Gathering was beginning.

I took one glance over at Goldenshine as I settled down beside Cinderheart and Poppyfrost, praying to StarClan that Goldenshine would have enough common sense by now to not go through with what she had been about to do.

Once the cats on the island fell silence, Firestar spoke first. He gave recognition to Lionblaze and Dovewing, and then he was finished.

Leopardstar spoke next, and she mourned the loss of Rippletail. After a few moments of silence, grief rippling among all four Clans, Blackstar recognized Tigerheart and Toadfoot, and Onestar recognized Whitetail and Sedgewhisker - the cats from their Clans that had gone on the journey to find what had caused the Long Dry.

Once the Gathering ended, I knew immediately that I was going to find Goldenshine. I scanned the clearing, knowing that her golden tabby pelt would not be difficult to find. And sure enough, she was close, and not talking to Breezepelt to my relief.

I sighed as I trotted up to approach my daughter. "Hey," I meowed to her, my eyes narrowing as I licked her head. "What's going on up there?"

I pulled away to meet Goldenshine's dark-gray gaze, her eyes filled with a mix of humor and solemness. She already seemed to know what I was thinking. "Nothing but sense," she purred, tapping on her own head with my tail. "And no, mother, I didn't talk to Breezepelt, nor was I going to."

"Really?" I questioned my daughter, tilting my head. "You know, it's okay if you did. I just... I don't want to lose my daughter again."

I then watched as Goldenshine sighed, touching her nose to mine. "Don't you fret!" She purred. "Your daughter is back and better than ever!"

I then shut my eyes, becoming overwhelmed with happiness at Goldenshine's words. She already seems to have that spirit back that she had as an apprentice...

"Well, except now, she has a son!" Goldenshine added, her eyes glowing with love as the two of us padded side by side across the fallen tree.

"And a very handsome little kit at that!" I purred as I thought about Goldenshine's son, Swiftkit. "How is he doing?"

"Oh, he's wonderful," Goldenshine purred back. "I didn't think that it was possible to love something so much..."

I let out a purr of amusement, licking Goldenshine's cheek. "I thought that exact same thing once you and Snowflight came along."

Goldenshine let out a shaky sigh as we finally arrived at the gorse tunnel that led into ThunderClan's camp. "Great StarClan, I miss her."

"I do too."

Goldenshine and I exchanged a sorrowful glance as we emerged back into camp, Snowflight I'm sure full in both of our minds.

But, as my eyes fell on a strange shape near the Highledge, sad thoughts of my daughter actually managed to flit away for a bit.

"Smudge!" Firestar exclaimed.

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