Chapter 8

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Goldenshine's POV

I shivered as I snuck through the forest by myself, the last chills of leaf-bare still lingering in the forest. As I traveled, I looked up to the sky to see that it was a bright orange, mixed with a pink color. The sun was beginning to sink behind the trees.

I hope I'm not late for Breezepelt, I realized, my stomach fluttering as I thought about him again. The more that the fact that I was meeting with him set in, the more... eager that I got. I wasn't sure how I felt about that still. I've never been so confused about my own feelings before, I realized. Maybe this is why I've always stuck to my warrior duties and nothing else!

I started to walk a little faster, looking from side to side every once in a while to see if I was being watched. Lilypetal had almost blown my cover earlier and I didn't want that to happen again. Mothers always seem to know everything, I thought, annoyed. Hopefully only Lilypetal being suspicious is the extent of it...

Suddenly, as I traveled closer and closer to the end of ThunderClan's territory, WindClan scent began to flood through my nose, and I heard the faint water noises of the stream that marked the border between WindClan and ThunderClan's territory.

Here I was, where Breezepelt and I had decided to meet. It was then that I realized that I wasn't feeling guilty or paranoid of being caught at all, and only anticipated the WindClan warrior's arrival.

"Breezepelt?" I then whispered, padding closer to where the stream was, looking around and trying to stay as quiet as I could.

"Goldenshine!" I heard an excited voice meow immediately after.

I slid through some bushes and saw Breezepelt waiting for me, standing by the stream. Looking at him for the first time since last night, my stomach almost seemed to flip upside down. Breezepelt sure is a handsome cat, isn't he? I couldn't help but think.

"Hi," I meowed nicely, touching my nose to his, trying not to show how nervous I was all of the sudden.

"Hey," he purred as he stared warmly at me. "I'm glad you could make it."

I returned the warm gaze and wrapped my tail nearly around my paws. "So, what did you want to do?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "You were pretty intent on doing this, so you better have plans!"

Breezepelt winked and then lightly touched his tail tip to my shoulder. "How 'bout we go for a walk?"

I nodded and stood up, feeling all tingly again like I had last night when we had first encountered each other. This feels so weird! I thought, Why did he even want to meet up, anyway? Why did I agree to it? This cat had just asked me to take a walk with him. It was something so simple, but the fact that a cat from another Clan was asking me to do it made it a big deal. I almost felt disgusted with myself, reflecting on the fact that I had agreed to it so easily.

But as disgusted with my own actions and feelings as I was, I padded up to stand beside Breezepelt, and we both began to walk along the stream, making sure to be cautious of other cats possibly being around.

"So, what is your life like in ThunderClan?" Breezepelt asked, stepping over so his fur brushed mine.

I didn't pull away. "Normal as any warrior's life, I suppose!" I purred happily. "But don't get me wrong, it's all my absolute dream. It's been since I was a kit. Every part of it is perfect. I go on patrols everyday, hunt for prey, eat prey, take naps..."

A purr rumbled in Breezepelt's throat. "Being a warrior really is wonderful," the black tom agreed. "But sometimes it's pretty stressful."

"Yeah, for sure," I murmured. "The taking naps part of my day rarely ever happens!" As Breezepelt let out a small purr of amusement, I then asked, "Do you like being in WindClan?"

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