Chapter 14

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Lilypetal's POV

I was drowning in my own thoughts as I traveled back to camp after the Gathering. I mean, I couldn't even believe what had just happened.

Goldenshine was pregnant with Breezepelt's kits! That's where she's been all of these nights! I realized, finding myself extremely angry with Goldenshine and extremely worried about her at the same time. I knew that once we got closer to ThunderClan territory, I would need to look for her and make sure that her kitting had gone well.

No cat had explicitly told me, but I knew that was what was going on. I recognized the specific winces of pain, and that certain type of helplessness that glowed in my daughter's eyes.

My daughter, having kits. I feel like I just had her! I thought, my eyes widening. I wish that her kitting could have been a more exciting and happier event than it is...

I growled, almost as if to release my frustration of the situation, and shook my head as Brambleclaw suddenly came into my sight.

"Hey, Lilypetal!" he meowed kindly, falling into step with me. "Do you want to talk now, or should I come to you later?"

I flashed the ThunderClan deputy a look of gratitude. I appreciated that he knew that I was, you know, upset and probably extremely preoccupied in my own thoughts. Nevertheless, I looked up and smiled at the dark brown tabby tom. Plus, I knew what he was probably coming to talk to me about, and I figured, why not stack more news onto what had already happened? 

"Now is okay, Brambleclaw," I tried to meow cheerfully. "What is it?"

Brambleclaw hesitated for a few heartbeats before speaking. "I just wanted to tell you, I talked to Thornclaw," he explained, but his voice had a hint of regret and remorse to it.

Oh, dear... "And?" I said, sighing. Unfortunately, I thought I already had a pretty good idea of what the deputy was going to say.

"He wouldn't budge," Brambleclaw admitted, looking into my eyes. "I'm so sorry, Lilypetal. Do you want me to try again?"

I shook my head. I was pretty much giving up hope at this point. If another cat can't even get through to him, then why should I try again? I was absolutely bewildered by my former mate's behavior, remembering all over again that communication was so important to the both of us. I was still tempted to approach the golden tabby tom myself, but, of course, I knew that communication takes two.

"I hate to admit that you'd probably just be wasting your time, Brambleclaw," I murmured sadly, briefly licking his shoulder. "Thank you so, so much for trying, though. Really."

Brambleclaw dipped his head before giving me one more sympathetic look and trotting ahead to walk beside Firestar.

I sighed with sorrow and exasperation, coming to terms with my situation, and then continued to slowly walk toward camp with my head lowered. Well, it was fun while it lasted, right? I tried to tell myself. I'm going to be sad for a little while, but every wound heals...

Then, my ears flicked as I came to a realization. Wait, why am I being so depressed about my own life? I shook my head quickly and started to run, full speed, deeper into the forest. Goldenshine is having kits and I didn't even go to see her immediately! What am I thinking? I suppose that through the shock of the situation, I hadn't been thinking straight.

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