Chapter 12 - Breaking his reality

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Liam slowly opened his eyes. His head was pounding a bit, but he was somewhat okay. When he looked behind himself, Devan lay there in a very inhumane position, blood coming out from his mouth. Liam stood up and was getting ready to run out, but his heart skipped a beat. What if Devan was dead? His fingerprints were everywhere. Could he be blamed for his death? He slowly turned, gently putting his fingers on Devan's neck, gulping as he stood ready to run if need be. A few seconds passed, and there was no pulse. The blood was slowly draining from Liam's face when he heard a loud crack, making Devan's body jolt a bit. A pulse followed the sudden movement, causing Liam to jump back, eyes wide as bones snapped themselves back, his vertebrae fixing itself. Liam didn't want to find out if he would walk and rush up the stairs, running as fast as he could. He was thankful to have trained himself every day for 2 years.

"LIAM!" He heard being growled from the basement, a loud bang echoing as he unlocked the locks on the door. His hands were trembling as he heard the most broken scream he had ever heard. Why did he have so many locks on the door!?

"LIAM!~" Devan said through a distorted growl as the sound of wood being carved echoed through the house. Liam successfully unlocked the door and ran out, his eyes focused on the woods. He refused to look behind himself. He knew now that Devan wasn't human. He simply couldn't be. Liam ran faster at the thought. There was no way Liam would get away with this, Devan was going to kill him.

As soon as he finished the though, something heavy tackled him from behind, sending Liam flying. He crashed into a tree and screamed as he collapsed on the ground, his leg now broken. Tears flowed up, his body trembling from the impact and pain that was shooting throughout his body. Liam looked up in fear. A huge lion stood in front of him. He was almost amazed, but when it took a step closer, Liam noticed the skin was black and bloody, some of the skin was peeling off, and the stench was absolutely horrid.

I'm a dead man...

He knew he wasn't going to survive this monster, whatever he was. Liam resolved himself. He couldn't run anymore, and the pain was just too much for him to handle. He closed his eyes, wishing for the death to be quick and painless. The lion moved above Liam and gently nudged the leg that was broken, causing Liam to scream and swing at the beast. The lion dodged and growled before noticing how curled Liam was. It knew he was in a lot of pain.

"GO AWAY! LEAVE ME! OR JUST FINISH ME! FUCK!" He yelled as he gripped his side, which was bleeding slightly from the tree, scrapping him upon impact. The lion slowly approached, wanting to lick his side, but he knew he'd risk infecting it, so he gently bit the back of Liam's shirt, dragging him back.

"AAHHH STOP! STOP YOU BEAST!" He screamed in agony, causing the lion to stop, gently lowering Liam back down with a huff. Looking around with a sniff, he growled as he jumped above Liam, wolves apeared from the forest, howling in unison. The lion roared as Liam trembled, the pain starting to be too much for him to stay conscious.


Narcia groaned as she slowly woke up to the sound of running. She slowly sat up, chains pulling her a bit back.

"What the hell..?" She said outloud as she lifted her arms, large shackles holding her prisoner in her own basement. Her eye twitched as she pulled at them, screaming in anger. How could her parents do this to her? She had always been an obedient daughter, but this was her mate. She needed to save him. She needed to be worthy of him, to be forgiven.

Matt: Alpha. We found him!

Narcia frowned at the mind link, her eyes widening as she understood that Matheo had left for her.

Matt: I found him, I went out for you, alpha... But there's an issue.

Narcia: What's the issue?

Matt: The cannibal, he is standing on Liam... He seems to be in a lot of pain. I also smell blood.

Narcia: That son of a bitch... Get in touch with my dad. I'm locked up... Get your location to him now!

Matt: Yes, alpha!

Matheo disconected the mind link, leaving Narcia to her thoughts. What kind of shifter was the cannibal, she hoped the wolves could overpower him. Otherwise, it would all be for nothing.

"Narcia!" Her mother yelled as she ran down the stairs, her eyes lit up as she saw her mother before they darkened again. She had tranquilized her after all.

"I know... I'm sorry, okay? I had to calm you down somehow. It all worked out in the end. We found your mate." She said as she unlocked the shackles, smiling to her daughter, who only stood up before running past her. She had nothing to say to her. She needed to find Liam immediately.

"Where!?" She yelled as she caught up to her dad, who was about to leave.

"He is 20 minutes from your university, I guess he was closer than we had thought." He said as she growled, knowing he had been close all along. She quickly opened the door and shifted, not even bothering with her clothes that tore off of her.

Narcia ran faster than she ever had before. Her dad was hot on her trail, making sure to keep watch while the rest of the soldier wolves followed their current alpha. She made it in less than 10 minutes with how fast she had run. Her legs burned like hell, but she did not care. Her father and soldiers unfortunately couldn't keep up. The scene in front of her tore her heart, Liam's neck was in the Lion's mouth, his chest rising up and down slowly. She howled angrily, causing the few untouched wolves to turn.

Matt: Alpha. You're here! He killed 3 of ours... He took Liam hostage, but I can tell this bastard is hurting.

Narcia: The fucker took an easy way out. Surround him!

The wolves followed the order and circled around the lion, who growled as he showed his large canines. A shiver ran through her fur with how tight they were around her mate's neck.

"There's no need for this... You wolves move along... This is mine." He growled in a distorted voice. Narcia growled at him, hissing was the comback she got. How dare he say Liam was his when he was her mate. Let alone that Liam wasn't an object to possess. She charged forward, all wolves following before his jaws opened, dropping the unconscious boy on the ground as he swung his claws in defense. Narcia dodged under, biting into his back leg, tearing it open. The lion roared before he put his free paw under her, pushing her back with a scratch on her chest.

Matt: Alpha! Are you okay!?

Narcia: Yeah, barely a scratch. His claws are very dull. He isn't experienced in fighting. Don't let him rest!

The wolves nodded and rushed him again as Narcia stood back, watching as her mate groaned, his leg looking pretty messed up. Her wolf Mia was enraged. She wanted to rip the cannibal apart. She knew better than to try and kill these things. They were pretty tough creatures, and only witches had been able to kill one before due to their amazing regeneration healing. One by one, the wolves attacked. Slowly, but surely, the lion started to lose it's strenght.

Devan cursed in his head as he looked at the vicious beasts that tore at his flesh. He knew he was outmatched, all because Liam had nearly gotten them killed in the stairs. He had to regenerate his entire spine after he took most of the fall to avoid the human dying. He looked down at Liam, knowing if he let him go, he could never see the human again.

He couldn't bring himself to give up, not if it meant he'd never feel that rush in his dead heart. He closed his eyes, taking a deep smell of the human, making the largest wolf growl at him. He rolled his eyes in annoyance. It would be stupid of him to risk being captured and tortured just for a human. He promised to himself to speak to Liam again, or at least to watch from a distance. He roared loudly at them and leaped over the wolves, sprinting through the forest with speed. None could have caught up if they tried.

Narcia quickly ran to Liam when the lion ran off. His breath was quick and pained, causing her to whimper a bit as she licked his wound on the side of his waist. With the help of her fellow wolves, she gently hoisted him on her back. They all slowly walked back to their pack's house, where they knew he would be mostly safe. Narcia felt so horrible for having taken so long just to find him so close. She looked over her shoulder, watching as he seemed to sink into her soft fur. She smiled softly before looking forward.

He was safe now.

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