Chapter 40 - Impending doom

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Matheo groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, his head raging with a headache like no other, he didn't remember how he had gotten there, they must've knocked him out when they had come close the lair.

"If I flee, they won't have to worry about me coming back... Cowards." Matheo growled out as he glanced around, his knees burning from his position, his arms were still clamped behind his back by some sort of metal restraints.

He tried to move, but his metal neck clamp was chained to the floor, he grimaced at the feeling of being treated like a lowly animal, being put on his knees with upmost disrespect.

The door slowly opened, a large decomposing werewolf looking beast walked in, heavy grunts leaving its throat with each step, licking its lips as Matheo groaned, his shoulder stinging as he felt the tightly strapped bandages around his wound.

"The fuck are you here for?" Matheo spat before the creature chuckled in a distorted tone, reaching out to pick up Matheo by his arm clamps, forcing him to stand up and feeling his legs regain circulation, a curse leaving him from the stabbing feeling in his shoulder.

"Eat." It growled out before throwing a raw slab of meat to the ground, blood splattering from the impact and onto the wall, it made Matheo's gut wrench at the thought of eating raw meat.

"How am I supposed to eat, my arms are locked you dumb beast!" Matheo said before spiting at it's face, the creature huffing and slamming Matheo head first into the ground, causing a loud grunt from the impact.

The beast walked out with no further words, locking the metal door behind him, leaving the wolf to his demons, alone in this now reaking room, stenched with the scent of that cannibal.

"Ain't no way I'm putting that shit in my mouth." Matheo mumbled as he looked over to the meat, not even trusting what it could be coming from, he couldn't risk it being some shifter's flesh.

His stomach twisted at the idea, closing his eyes as he turned himself around to face the ceiling, now having a heavy bruise and a shallow scrape on the side of his chin.

"Fuck... Bastard busted my lip." He said as he spat blood on the floor, sighing as he sat up, wiping the side of his mouth on his intact shoulder, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath, his wound was killing him right now.

"God what I'd do to get pain killers..." Matheo whimpered out before a giggle echoed behind the door, making Matheo flinch as he opened his eyes, glaring as the door slowly opened to the man he wished he could never see again.

"You seem in a fighting spirit, little wolf."

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Case in point, I bet that shoulder hurts. Don't worry, your wolf will heal you. It might leave a scar however, a present, I dare say." The man said as he walked in, Matheo's eye twitched as the man walked up to him, dressed in a fancy suit with shiny leather shoes.

"You got dressed pretty fancy just to come visit? How flattering." Matheo sarcastically said before the man chuckled, lifting Matheo's chin with a finger, receiving a glare from the boy.

"No, not for you little one. My son will mate soon, the kitsune has returned. Once that is done... I will make good use of you and dispose of your remains." The man said before Matheo snapped at him, the man dodging his teeth just in time to avoid loosing a finger.

"I hope you rot till your body falls apart!" Matheo snared as the man chuckled, crossing his arms with a chuckle, it made Matheo's blood boil, there was no way Devan would mate with Liam, not that it even made sense to begin with.

Liam was already in the process of mating... Or would soon.

"Devan would never do that, he wants to be normal... He is nothing like you monsters!" Matheo yelled as the man's smile fell, his face getting serious before gripping the chain that was locked to his neck, lifting him up in a way that caused the clamp to choke him.

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