Chapter 17 - Transfer student

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Liam groaned as he walked up the stairs, the school chatters echoing through the halls. He knew he was going to have to face Narcia, but that friend of hers had made it very ackward for him. He didn't know what he had done for her to dislike him so much. He walked into the classroom, lowering his bag next to his desk. Liam was always the early bird, so no one else had arrived yet, or so he thought.

"Oh... I thought I was going to have the classroom to myself." A girl said behind Liam, causing him to jump a bit before facing her.

"It seems we both expected that... I don't remember seeing you before." Liam said with a frown, examining the girl that stood before him. She had long, straight black hair, with eyes that were a mix of greens and yellows. Liam was almost mesmerized by them, like they were swallowing all his attention, almost. Something about her just didn't feel right. She giggled a bit nervously, pushing a hair behind her ear.

"I'm Giuliana, I just transferred today." She grabbed her hands together and smiled shyly at him, giving his stomach weird butterflies.

"I'm Liam, it's nice to meet you. What school did you transfer from?"

"Oh no, I didn't go to a school before. I'm homeshooled, I wanted to transfer to public schooling to meet new people." She said with a soft smile. It made Liam feel warm inside despite the cokd shiver that ran through him. Some of the students started walking in, quickly separating the two as girls swarmed the new student. Liam retreated to his seat and sat down as the classroom filled up, Narcia following fairely quickly. She directly went to Liam, making him gulp nervously.

"Thank you... For yesterday, and sorry for Tam... She is just protective of me." She said in embarrassment before walking quickly to her desk and sitting down, leaving a smile on Liam's face. He was glad that his struggle had been appreciated. Quickly enough, the classroom filled up with all of its students. The teacher arrived shortly and started teaching.

Something about the new girl intreagued Liam. He couldn't tell what it was, but there was definitely something about her that caught his attention. She also kept giving him shy glances, which only caught his attention even more. He wanted to know more about her and get to know her passions and interests. He leaned into his hand, smiling as he continued to stare at the girl that sat a few seats away from him. A voice in the back of his head, though, really didn't like this.


Narcia had noticed the two interact. Her wolf was growling internally at this, how dare this girl attract the attention of their mate. Something about that girl was fishy too. She smelled putrid, which at first had worried her, but the girl was no shifter, so there was no way she was one of those cannibals. It angered her, however, to watch her mate be absolutely captured by the girl. It rubbed her the wrong way.

The bell ring snapped all 3 out of their thoughts, Liam quickly making his way to the girl. It made Narcia's blood boil. There was a weird energy between each other, and it made her sick to the stomach. Her stomach dropped. However, when she caught the smell of arousal that rose in the air, one look at Liam's crotch told her everything. He liked her. She couldn't stand from her desk, she couldn't move her legs. It was like the worlds gravity had pinned her there, and there was no force left to fight it. They both exited the room together, leaving Narcia to herself.

"Narcia? Is everything alright?" The teacher asked as he moved closer to her. Narcia hadn't even noticed the tears that had fled her eyes. Only the teacher's fingers wipping them gave her awareness to her cheeks and wetness.

"I'm sorry, Teryn. I didn't realize I was so lost in thought. Everything is okay." She said to her uncle, who also happened to be her math teacher. Teryn sighed and crossed his arms. He didn't like this at all.

"You don't cry often Narcia, is it that boy Liam again? It seems only he gets such reactions out of you." He asked as she blushed a bit and looked down. Her uncle always knew how to read her.

"It's alright, uncle. I need to go to my next class... Thank you for checking on me." She said as he gently ruffled her hair and smiled before walking back to his desk. Narcia stood and walked out, making her way to the gymnasium with a heavy heart. Maybe she had officially lost Liam. With how interested he seemed in that girl, it would only be a matter of time before they would grow closer and date.

We would have never lost our mate if your stupidity hadn't gotten in the way.

Her wolf was right. She had caused all of this. She deserved the awful pain in her chest, the sting in her eyes. Her vision was growing blurry with tears, not even counting how dizzy she felt.

"Narcia..?" A concerned voice echoed before her shoulders were grasped. Without thinking, she grappled onto the person, tears bursting out her eyes as she rubbed her face against the warm chest that stood before her. They stood there for a moment, shocked. It didn't take long, however, before their hand gently started to pet her hair. Narcia purred as she felt heat pulse through her, nuzzling deeper into the chest before her.


Liam quickly caught up to the girl, giving her his number. He didn'tknow why he was doing this because something in him felt very wrong about this, but his body just moved on its own. He was a bit embarrassed as he had never done that before. She took it shyly and smiled at him. It made his heart skip a beat. How did a girl look this attractive while smiling?

"I'll make sure to text you." She said as her fingers slowly grabbed the paper, purposely sliding under his fingers. His crotch gave him a pulse that brought him awareness to his situation. She was arousing him, and he quickly took a step back, almost feeling uncomfortable. It had never happened to him before, but somehow, this didn't feel right. Why was she so attractive to him like this? It seems she noticed his change in attitude because she quickly moved closer, her chest squeezing between her arms as she gently caught his hands.

"Is everything okay?" She asked softly, his eyes falling to her breasts. They were so much bigger now in this position. A groan left him as he bit the inside of his cheek and looked at her eyes with a nod. Something wasn't right.

"I have to get to my class... Talk to you later?" He said as he gently pulled away. She frowned a bit but nodded, waving as she left with him, seperating once out the door. Liam was about to leave too when he heard the teacher speak up. He frowned and stopped in his track, eyes wide as he eavesdropped on the conversation between Narcia and Teryn.

She was crying? What had gotten her to get so sad? And how was that his fault? He started to walk again before he heard her leave the room, but worry creeped on him when he saw her state, quickly catching her shoulders as she wavered.

"Narcia..?" He asked before she dashed into his chest, his shirt getting wet from her tears that smudged on his shirt. He sighed before gently petting her hair like he always did during these moments with her.

"I guess things never change. Right, Narcia?" Liam said with a soft smile as he held her in his arms, gently rubbing her back. He was slightly worried as to why she was crying and how it was his fault, but he wasn't going to rush her to speak. He knew she would when she would be ready to.

"Do you like... the new girl..?" She sniffled out, making him frown. He had almost forgotten about Giuliana. He wished he hadn't remembered so soon.

"I don't know..." He said before regretting it as she started to sob even harder. He held her slightly tighter, cursing himself for being stupid enough to tell her the truth. He knew she liked him. It was mutual if he forgot about her bullying, but he hadn't done that fully yet.

"Don't leave me... I know I screwed up, I'm trying Liam... I'm trying!" She cried out, his eyes growing wide before trying to hush her. If anyone were to hear this out of context, they'd think he was her boyfriend and about to dump her.

"Narcia... I'm not sure what you mean by that, but like I said before, it'll take time to forgive you." He said as she sighed and nodded, wipping her eyes softly. They pulled away as she cleaned her face, Liam sighing in relief.

"Right... You watch... I'll make myself forgiven." She said with determination before turning on her heels with confidence. Liam couldn't help but scoff and shake his head with her quick change of temper. Liam did wonder, however, why Giuliana was giving him wrong chills and so much arousal.

Something sinister was definitely going on here.

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