Devan sighed as he watched the wolf leave, hating to have to spend the night alone, he had loved talking with Matheo all day, it made his chest bubble with such a nice feeling.
His eyes glanced over to the window, seeing the night sky that sent darkness into his room, making him look down, remembering what he still was.
Sure, Matheo's blood had temporarily fixed him, but he wasn't cured, he still had urges, it tempted him earlier while they were kissing.
He had accidentally bit his lip, making Matheo flinch at the sudden sharp pain, he had looked shocked before chuckling with blood dripping from his lip.
Devan had gripped him tightly, sucking the blood from his lip, it had clearly made Matheo panick a bit, he had warned him to let go.
Devan hadn't wasted a second, letting the flesh he held dearly between his lips go, guilt had swallowed him like a whale.
He sighed at the memory, shaking his head in annoyance, he needed to learn not to let his impulses get the best of him, especially with Matheo.
A knock came on the door, making him frown, had Matheo forgotten something? He glance around the room, but he couldn't see anything that could have been forgotten.
"Come in..?" Devan said, the door opening slowly, footsteps followed a stench Devan simply knew too well, it made his skin crawl.
"Oh my sweet boy, I have been looking for you everywhere." His father said with a grin that only showed malice.
"I can't see why."
"You, my sweet boy, are the only one yet to have mated in our clan, you know it will be your turn. And when it is, you will use it to close yourself to a kitsune forever." His father said with an evil glow in his red eyes.
"I thought they were all dead."
"Oh they mostly are, but I've managed to track down a leak that there might still be one still at large. If he is alive."
"Okay, and what does it have to do with me!? I want nothing to do with this!" Devan yelled angrily getting sick and tired of this.
"Oh son, do you not understand? We need you to mate to one, only your unmated body can sense an unmated kitsune." His father said as Devan grimaced, his heart was already belonging to another.
"No thank you... Why dont you just give up dad, accept your immortality and just leave me be!" Devan said before his father's eyes glowed, his large melting flesh of a claw gripped his throat, making Devan gasp.
"I want to keep seeing more of us, you will eventually give in, or I'll kill that boy I saw walk out." His father growled, eyes widening as he realized who he meant.
"Don't you fucking dare!"
"I will dare if I please, you'd do best to remember who's the strongest one between us." His father said before letting him go, Devan coughing as he gripped his throat, rubbing the irritated skin.
Thanks to Matheo's blood, his skin did not tear, there was at least that, Devan closed his eyes for a moment, thinking of Matheo.
"I better see you home soon, you'll regret it if you don't." His father said before slamming the door, leaving Devan to his demons.
His heart throbbed at the though of Matheo being torn alive and eaten, it made him gag, quickly covering his mouth as his face paled.
"I won't let that happen..." Devan whispered to himself as he curled into a ball, holding his legs close to his chest.

Bullied Once, Loved Twice
WerewolfNarcia is the future alpha of her pack. Females rarely lead, but she was born an only child. In order to rule over her pack one day, she will need to complete her mating seremony. There is only one issue, her mate HATES her. Narcia bullied Liam all...