🔞Chapter 46 - A devastating blow

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Warning for sensitive readers, this chapter contains non consensual sex, read at your own discretion or skip until the ☆.

Liam growled as he desperately tried to pull his body up, knowing this would be the end if he did not escape, his heart raced violently in his chest, trying to flee before his legs could.

A wave of goosebumps crawled on his skin as the cold air of the room slid along his skin, a loud gulp escaping his lips as he opened his eyes.

The view was traumatic, he wished he had chosen to keep them closed, to look away even, but no, he had looked down and god did he regret it.

Her hand gently grasped his member, making him close his eyes again as he felt something warm yet wet slide along his shaft, he did not want to know what it was, wether it was her own private area or her tongue.

By the the noise she made, he asumed it was her tongue that now tickled his gland, oh how he was not at all enjoying this.

His eyes shot open when she took him in his mouth, his heart pounding violently in his chest as he looked at her, he knew this was wrong, he did not want this, but the feeling that coursed from his gland all the way to his balls felt so amazing.

"Stop." He moaned out, a bit of a begging tone echoing in his words as she slowly pulled away with a pop, saliva dripping from her lips as she giggled.

"Your dick looks so happy though, look how much it pulses already. I bet I can get it hard in no time." Giuliana said as she started to stroke him, a groan leaving his lips as he looked around the room.

There had to be a way out of this, a way out of losing his virginity to this psycho witch, it belonged to his mate, it belonged to Narcia and her alone.

"I'll make you— aah... Regret t-this!" He stuttered out as she gripped him tighter, moving her hand slightly faster than before, time was starting to run out as his dick started growning harder and harder.

How he cursed being a man, his body would have never betrayed him this way if he had a different body part down there, but then again, dealing with what women had to sometimes did not sound pleasant.

"Well, it safe to say I was right. You are much bigger now... Look at those veins." She cooed as a grimace showed on Liam's face, his eyes looking down in horror at his pulsing cock.

It was as hard as she probably could get it considering how against this he was, but hope was starting to grown in his heart as his finger twitched, if he could somehow hold her off, than maybe he would be able to get out of this.

"Why are you doing this... Seriously, why virgins?" He quickly asked as he tried to individually move his fingers, a tingle running through each of them as he wiggled them slowly to avoid being spotted.

"Well, virgins hold a lot of purities. But you guys are just... I dont know, so cute to ruin. Plus your first knot is very important, it causes a lot of magic to be released. I will siphon you empty through that small leak, so you just sit back and enjoy the sex. It'll be your last if you don't survive the drain." She said as his eyes grew wide, he did not expect it to be so sinister, it also explained why virgin wolves had started disappearing, if his idea was correct.

"S-so... Those missing shifters?"

"Yup! All mine for the win, they didnt make it so I had to get rid of their bodies." She said as Liam heard what sounded like clothes sliding off Giuliana.

His eyes looked down her figure, widening to an alarming size as he noticed her taking off her panties, a devilish smile plastered on her face as he managed to move his wrists.

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