It was getting late. The party had mostly died down by now. Matheo sighed as he watched Silviano's unconscious body laying there naked with two girls on the couch. He slowly walked out of the house and made his way towards the campus, head blurry with imagery of the situation he had just witnessed.
"I can't believe I sat there watching him fuck those two girls..." Matheo whispered to himself as he pushed some hair back, knowing full well how badly he had jerked off to it. He felt guilty to have pleasure himself to the sight of a man ejaculating into other women. His steps were slow and very unbalanced. He had too much to drink clearly, but at least he knew he would remember the night for a good while.
"Man... Something really is wrong with me. How is a future beta of a pack supposed to find a mate like this... What is wrong with me?" Matheo said as he rubbed his face, groaning internally at his situation. He didn't know how he was going to change himself. He never had managed to before, so he wasn't sure if he could ever do so. He looked up at the sky with sadness in his eyes as he noticed the moon's position, realizing that it had almost fully done its nightly cycle.
"Shit... what time is it!?" He said to himself, pulling out his phone only to curse as he noticed his phone had died. He didn't know how long it had been dead, but he would make sure to charge it once back at the dorm. It took him a good 30 minutes before he finally managed to make it to his dorm room, pulling out his keys and unlocking the door. He tried his best to come in as quietly as possible to make sure he wouldn't wake Liam up. However, once he made it to the table near their beds where he plugged his phone, Matheo frowned as he took a few sniffs in the air.
"Liam..?" He asked before he turned on the nightstand light, eyes widening as he noticed the bed was empty. In fact, the whole room smelled like he hadn't been present in hours. Matheo's heart started racing, his mind quickly clearing from the fog the alcohol had inflicted on him.
(Matt) : Narcia? Please wake up.
( ... )
(Matt) : Narcia, please, for the love of god, wake your ass up.
(Narcia) : Do you realize what time it is..? You better have a good reason to wake me up at 4 am.
(Matt) : Liam is missing.
( ... )
(Narcia) : Excuse me? I... I think I misheard you.
(Matt) : No, you heard me right. I came back to the dorm just now. His smell is faint as hell. He hasn't been here for HOURS.
Matheo could feel the distress coming from his future alpha through the link. He knew she was worried about the kidnappings, specifically because of Liam. She was afraid he'd go missing. Matheo took a deep breath before connecting to Tammy.
(Matt) : Tammy! Narcia needs you, please attend to our alpha. Liam is missing, I am going out to find him after I take some water to sober up.
(Tam) : Fuck... You were supposed to keep him safe. Any idea where he is?
(Matt) : I have no clue... As far as I was aware, he was supposed to stay here and watch a stupid movie. He should have gone to bed like an hour ago, so I dont know what happened.
The link closed abruptly, Matheo rolling his eyes as he made his way to the sink in the bathroom, quickly downing 2 cups of water. He quickly rushed out the door, making his way down the hall before rushing outside, running into the forest. Due to being under the influence, Matheo couldn't shift quickly. It caused him great pain and a bit of time, but he eventually managed, dashing through the woods as he tried to catch a wiff of Liam's scent.
Narcia was desperately trying to keep herself calm, but she was miserably failing. Her eyes teared up as she started to hyperventilate, thinking of the worse. She and Liam had finally started getting down the right path. She was finally getting closer to her goal of being forgiven and starting their relationship anew. Tammy was quick to burst into the room, both parents behind her as she rushed to her future Alpha's side, hugging her tight.

Bullied Once, Loved Twice
WerewolfNarcia is the future alpha of her pack. Females rarely lead, but she was born an only child. In order to rule over her pack one day, she will need to complete her mating seremony. There is only one issue, her mate HATES her. Narcia bullied Liam all...