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The messages from Twinspierre

Hello I'm Twinspierre The writer of this book, I love writing but I kind get stuck, so if you find any mistakes in my spelling or any mistakes in my words feel free to tell me in The comments center.

And Thank you , dear readers, for decide to invest your time into this book. I'm so excited to have you here and i can't wait for you to began a new adventure with the characters of" The secret love."

Chapter 1

Hiding feelings.

Why is it amazing to hide your feelings? There used to live a young man who was amazing,charming ,handsome,healthy, and very strong but there was one thing that he couldn't control and that was love .he is in high school it's was his first year in high school meaning he was a freshmen,he was very ingenious and he have a lot of friends his name is lee,he love a girl but he never told her because he was afraid of getting rejected and heartbroken,

but he never even talk to the girl that he like.the girl's name was Angela.he never tell Angela that he like her, many boys like her,and many of them have got rejected that is what scared him the most is that his worrying that he might get rejected like other boys.little does he know is that angela love him too but they both never tell each other how they feel.

what surprised me the most is that the boy is even more shy than the girl. One day Lee was going to the supermarket to buy some things he accidentally ran into Angela.

Instead of approaching her he decided to just greet her. he was very shy that his hand were instant goosebumps he look into her eyes until angela was gone" he said " when i looked into your eyes i feel like i saw an Angel and my heart can't stop beating"

he said all of those things after angela gone he didn't say all of that words on her present he waited until she's gone and then he said it .his very shy and nervous.

on the other hand angela was blaming herself that why she couldn't just tell him how she feel.angela's mother always tell her daughter that she should date after achieving her goal and becoming successful in her life.

angela always want to tell lee how she feel but she always remember that her mother always warn her about boys that why she never tell him how she feel it's obviously that she love lee but she had to follow her mother opinion and her dreams so she choose to be silent, it's not because she don't love him, it's because of her dream but lee has  a dream too ,  could they blame them self they both have dreams.

if only they could come in and listen they both would learn that they love each other and nothing can separate them.

Lee doesn't know that Angela loves him and Angela doesn't know that Lee loves her. They both love each other in secret.

The days ,weeks,and months passed but they still didn't tell each other that they loved each other and they shouldn't be  keeping it a secret anymore.

but they both still didn't want to reveal their secrets and be free they both feel like it's okay to love each other and keep it as a secret because they feel like if they love each other in secret it make they both them easy to think that he or she love him or her.

but little did they know is that they both really love each other so much and nobody can separate them.

The day Angela wanted to tell Lee that he loved him, it was when they both were at the park.

Lee saw Angela at the park and he really wanted to talk to her about his feelings and how he feel about her.

so he called angela" he said" hi angela ""angela said' hi. how are you" lee said " i'm good how about you" Angela said i'm good too" lee ask" can you be my friend because i would love to have an amazing and beautiful friend like you" angela said yes why not" lee said ok let's be friends'' it's was an amazing and incredible day for both of them they played soccer that day and talk for too long just spend time with each other. They both like each other

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