Chapter 10 Sweet summer,

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The friends winning their test or passing their test or Exam, the principal were very happy to see that the students that's he trusted actually did an incredible job so the next day it was the last day of school it was morning at the assembly the principal said" hello good morning everybody, you all might be thinking why i'm happy today, i just want to let y'all know that i'm incredibly proud of our freshman for passing their final with A- in their finals papers. but i just want to give an award of one thousand dollars to the only student who passed her exam with A+,

And that is angela!!!!!!, come to the front and take your prize." It was an amazing moment for Angela because her friends were there and everyone was very happy that their classmate got an amazing prize.

The friends were cherishing their friend. Lee said" woo! wooo! go Angela you got this , you are perfect." malter shouted "woow! you got this." So Angela went to the front with a little and amazing smile on her face

Everything was perfect. the principal said" i'm so proud of you angela and all of you who work hard to get an A- is not a joke on that test,so i am very proud of you all who did an incredible job, and guess what? This is your last day of freshman , so all freshmen will have free time because y'all did an amazing job.

the freshman replied'' wooow!!!, we love you mrs principal." the principal replied" i love ya'll too.'' It was great that the principal and his students shared the last moment of school together.

So the friends went home malter said "I don't think my mom will come to pick me up to school today, angela can you give me a ride today?." angela replied" of course darling, why not."

Lee said "I'm coming too, i already tell my parents to not pick me up today." angela noded" mmm ok i guess i'll have two guests today." malter laugh'' haha" and then she said" yeah, definitely a guest."

The friends went home in the same car. When they arrived at Angela's house, Lee said '' We should celebrate today because Angela won and we passed all of our assignments. angela mom were siting in the sitting room she heard them and said'' of course you should celebrate and i am incredibly proud of y'all." Especially my precious daughter, I love you so much ." Angela replied " I love you to mom"

The friends eat cake and play truth or dare games. In the game, Malter happened to ask Lee if he loves angela, so malter asked" i'm going to ask this for the last time lee do you love angela?."

At this time it was obvious that Lee loves Angela but he wasn't ready to express so much as asking him this question was the best opportunity for him to tell Angela how he really feels.

so he said" yes i do love angela

Malter said "Yes, now you can rest. I know you love her and I hope she loves you back." Angela was quiet at that time, she was listening to their conversation not knowing what to say at that time, it was really weird because at all this time she thought lee didn't like her back now she knows how he feels about her.

Will she reject him? Maybe. you and I don't know but we know that they like each other. Was Angela happy that Lee got to confess his feelings after a long time? yes definitely she was very happy. Do we know what she was thinking at that time? nope.

"angela, angela, angela." It was only after awakening Angela from her miserable dreaming. so angela said" yes i do love you too." Angela's mom was upstairs at that time. The two love birds hug for a few minutes. It was the best summer for both of them.

the friends finish playing their games they hug each other , both three of them angela mom come outside to say bye to her daughter's friends. She didn't know that lee and angela were in love , but seeing them being so close together she lough. did she know? we don't know. was she confused about her daughter being close to her best friend ? yes definitely. so she said" bye guys we will see y'all soon."

After that day Lee called angela and malter on the phone and said" guys i think we should go to the park." Angela replied to him so fast because they are now boyfriends and girlfriends. so she said" alright my prince we'll definitely be there." malter replied " alright lover birds i'll be there too" The friends lough and end the calls

The next day the friends went to the park and have a lot of fun, they played soccer and every kind of other sport that you know, it was the best summer of their lives ,after they finished playing the friends sit down on the bench start eating pizza and drinks that they brought it was really an amazing experience of their lives even though they always do that but this one was different, so while they were eating malter start the conversation she said

" This is the sweetest summer ever. I love that we finish this freshman year with all the incredible moments of our life." lee replied her'' yes!!!, and we will always stick together like this." angela said yes and this is the best summer ever with the best friends in the world

it really was an amazing summer will lee and angela manage to stick together as a couple, i don't think so because i don't think angela's mom will agree with that

The next day Angela was in her room thinking about her career path and things that she already put herself into so she decided to call lee. She said" hi" Lee responded to her as his queen," hi my queen ." She said " Lee, I'm sorry but I don't think this is going to work between us. I think we should stay friends as we were."

Lee replied" we barely even start" Angela said" admitting my feeling at the first time i didn't mean it because i think it better to just focus on school instead of doing what other teenagers are doing right now.

Lee replied " what are you even talking about"
Angela replies" loving and doing crazy things, huh no,no,no I don't think it's a good Idea so let's be friends who like each other but are not telling each other how they feel, like the way we were."

lee were very sad at that time and hang up the call, and crying on his bed

Was Angela happy with what she was talking about? Nope. But she has to do it because of her education,dream,and her mother.

But the next day surprisingly lee called angela and talked to her like nothing has ever happened between both of them they laughed together and become friends again

They both have dreams. If only she would come in and listen she would know that lee only wanted her happiness and nothing less.

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