Chapter 9 The result,

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The next day the friends wake up so tired because of the way they study for the final exam, angela was in her room thinking about how the exam was important to her, malter was in the same situation to, and on the other hand

lee, was thinking and overthinking in his room how this test mean to his career and his dream university, that was harvard he really love harvard university you'll never tell him anything about harvard university that he doesn't know,

so he said in his thought" this is for your future,lee, you have to do a good job,and learn how to balance your social life and your school life." Was he being overly dramatic? yes definitely
Lee decided to call his two friends Angela and malter.

Why do I still call her his friends? Maybe because they are kind of close, but in real life, Lee loves Angela and it is obvious that he likes her and Angela likes him too but they are too afraid to confess their feelings to each other. so lee calls them and said" hello "

angela replied " hi prince" malter teased angela saying" aww that's so cute calling your boyfriend prince" i didn't mean that you, you" angela trying to found a bad word to call malter but didn't find it she happed to say " that why you have a big head"said angela.

lee said "guys I called you two because I wanted to let you know that we'll be having our study group meeting again." We know that you don't have to remind us" said angela.

Lee said "I said this because I'm feeling like malter is not ready for this study group. Come on lee you haven't known me yet?, i didn't call you to come and pick me up because I thought you would come and pick me up?"

Lee was shocked and said" ooh i thought you didn't call because you didn't want to go" noo it because i had to do something with my mom" said malter." Lee said " ok i'm coming to pick you up, now, be ready to study." ok i'm ready already i'm just waiting for a ride." said malter. Angela said" if you guys arrive at my house, please call me." lee said "alright we are coming princess don't worry"

malter said " guys stop flirting if you guys love each other, why don't you confess to each other"
Come on ms lufuno we are just friends." okay, okay i got you two are just friends right?" asked Malter and then she said "I'm just saying what is in my thoughts and if I hurt you two I'm sorry."

Angela replied" you haven't hurt us and you never will because we trust and because you are our best friends in the world." Lee said"Okay, okay mama Lufuno, keep waiting, I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Malter said " my name is not Lufujo, okay" Lee said'' You know I'm just joking right?"

Angela said" okay, bye i'll see you later i have to prepare food for you two to eat,we only have two days to study now." Lee said "yeah, yeah bye I'll see you in a few minutes I'm going to pick Malter up" alright bye, Angela I'll see you too, after this papa comes and picks me up"said malter while she was laughing . Lee said" my name is not papa, alright?, I'm coming right there."

Malter said " I was just joking, I know your name is lee." Angela said" okay i'll see you bye...
lee goes to malter's house and pick her up after that they went to angela's house to study, when they arrived at angela's house they called her and tell her that they are arrived at her house

Angela goes outside and opens the door for them. They get inside sit" malter said" i need soda i'm so tired." Lee laughed and said"mmm coming into someone's house and starting asking for soda." Malter replied, "I'm so tired right now, I'm not in the mood for arguing."

Angela said" it looks like you are so tired, and we haven't even started studying" . Malter replied "I said I'm tired of arguing with Lee but not tired of studying."

the beginning study, they study for some hours until lee feel tired a little, so he decide to chill a little and play game ,but before he even finish his first round of the game malter intirfie by saying" we are here studying and you are just chill down."

Lee said "Come on guys, don't you people get tired sometimes?" angela replied him" we only have 24 hours, you better put your mind on the books and study hard for your future, aren't you the one who said you wanted to get into harvard uni" malter trying to courage lee to keep working and study hard

Lee replied, " Yeah, my princess, I will definitely study hard for our future." Angela replied to him" future with who? I don't have any future with anybody." Angela was trying to not show that he liked lee but it was obvious that she liked Lee, and Lee knew it.

he laughed and said" guys let's work together as one i'm sure we will pass, i know that we are powerful and we can do this." It was malter trying to be overly supportive.

the next day it was the last day of their study group, lee wake up so tired, he looked out the window and saw rain splattering, it was a very big rain,and the rain was constant harmonic drumming against the window , but that didn't make him give up on calling he's friends to go and study for the test.

Lee said "I don't care if you are here or not." he started singing" rain, rain go away, Lee and his friend want to study, rain, rain go away!!!"

it was so fun, so he called his friends for the last study group meeting he said" guys are you ready for our last study group? " he asked his friend malter and his crush angela, they both said at the same " yes, we're ready, sir,"

They study for a couple hours in Angela's big house after study. Lee said'' guys tomorrow is the real deal." yeah, yeah you guys should go and study ." Angela replied to him while she was laughing.

The next day the friends went to school. They were scared that maybe they might fail the test, when Lee saw his friends and crush he went to them just to talk to them, lee said" hey guys are you ready for this."

Malter replied, "I'm scared right now, I feel like I can fly." come on don't be, if we have worked hard for this i'm sure we will pass it." The friends went to class to take that test. They both were scared, even Angela, she was smart, intelligent, and ingenious, but on this she was very scared.

four hours pass for the test. The friends came out of the class, scared and worried that, maybe, just maybe one of them might fail, but there was only one thing they didn't know. If only they could have come in and listened to me typing this story they could have known that non of them failed that test and it was as easy as drinking water in a cup.

Lee asked, "Guys, what did you do on the test." none of his friends replied to him,they both were silent for like five minutes straight. Nobody was talking that made Lee worried, was he that scared? yes definitely he was. Did he care that much? yes, of course. so he said "guys i passed this test how about you two?."

The two of them jumped  excited that their friend passed that test and said" we passed the test too." They both were happy and excited that they both passed that difficult test. Now they can enjoy their summer in peace with no worry, it was one of the best days of their life.

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