Chapter 7 The friendships rule,

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When Lee saw Angela is being bullied by that bully he told him to leave her alone before he did something wrong that will make him regret touching angela. the bully said" you can't do anything to me, what will happen if i break her arm?"

" I will break your arm and legs, so for the last time leave her alone!" Did the bully listen to what Lee was saying? Nope.  Because he didn't listen, Lee decided to give him a punch on his nose.  The bully goes down crying that his nose has been destroyed. Did it hurt? yes, definitely.

Lee and Angela decided to run away because if the principal saw that they were the one who beat that bully they would be in trouble. So while they were running, Angela said "I'm tired, can we take a break." Lee laughed and then said" are you really? we didn't even run that's  far, look where we are, we are still close to school, come on angela,"  angela smile a little bit and suddenly stop running,

She  said, "I need water." Lee replies, "Come on princess Let's just run a little bit, we are too close to my uncle's house."  Angela giggled and said" you never tell me that you have an uncle." 

a little smile on lee's face and then  he said"  i never tell people about him because we are not too close and i'm always busy so i never got time to spend with him but he is an amazing and respectful man, i think you will like him."  Did Angela care about all of that? Nope, the only thing that was on her mind at that time  was to drink water and that’s all.  When they arrived at Lee's uncle Angela needed water so bad so she ran fast inside the house  . Angela said” please I can have water.” She didn't even know that she just ran inside someone's house and started asking for water. Was she being weird? Yes, definitely.

turn out it was lee's uncle's house, he ask" who are you? and what are you doing in my house?" angela didn't know what to say the only thing that was in her mind was water so she said" i need water right now please." lee's uncle ask her again" who are you young lady and what are you doing in someone's house without permission?" 

angela was still in shock and ask" aren't you lee's uncle?" lee's uncle asked her" do you know lee?" yes i know him." said angela.    "who is he to you? lee's uncle asked her. angela with all the words she had before, she din't know what to say at that time because the question was hard for her, she didn't know what to refer lee because he like him and he is her friend in her thought she start asking herself questions.

" should i say he is my boyfriend? should i say he is my crush?, or should I say he is my friend? what should i tell this guy? think,think angela"  so before angela said anything lee's showed up at the door, angela was happy that he saved her at the awkward moment, lee's uncle was asking questions that she didn't know how to answer.

when lee and he's uncle meet they hug for little long because they were to close and there bond were unbreakable, so when  they finished hugging, his uncle asked him" lee who is this beautiful young lady?" lee answer him" she is my friend."   Angela looked into Lee's eyes. After Angela looked into his eyes

he changed and said " just know that she is a close person to me." It was cute when he said that because they both love each other and they haven't tell each other how they feel.

   "ooh i thought she was someone else, i'm so sorry young lady, my name is  ankoto what is yours?"  Angela replies to him" my name is angela, so they meet for the first time, he gives her water.

It was an amazing moment for Lee and his uncle because they haven't met for so long, so they talked for so long that day and just had fun.

When they went back to school the next day nobody noticed that it was Lee and Angela who punished that bully, the principal was confused and when he asked that bully "who did that to you" the bully didn't say anything. But his classmates think it was lee and Angela who beat him,so Angela and Lee were called to the office to go and meet the principal.

when the two of them arrived in the principal's office. the principal started asking them the question " where were you two yesterday?, let's start with  lee where were you yesterday?" Lee answered, " I was at the hospital when my mom was sick." Did he just lie to the principal? yes, definitely

The principal understands him because his mom did tell him about it , he understands him.
he asked Angela, "What about you?" angela were nervous,she start asking in her thought" what if he find out?, what if he doesn't trust my story?" and then the principal woke her up in her thought" i'm asking you where were you ?"

Angela was shocked and said " I was helping my dad with the translation because he doesn't speak english he only speaks spanish." Did she lie about it too? yes, obviously she did.

The principal trusted them and let them go where they were. when they get in their class they ask them" what did they ask you?" I will tell you later, not now" said angela. did they give you two detention? That's why you are sad." malter asking.   Lee said" you ask too many questions, we will tell you when we get home.

So after school the three friends decide to go to the park to just have fun, but when they were at the park, Malter asked them the same question saying" did they give you two detention? i don't wanna be alone in the school, you guys are the only friends i have.''  

Angela replied to her'' don't worry we are both fine, they didn't give us detention, but I think some of the students reported us."    "Did they see you guys beating that bully? Malter asked.

Angela said " we don't know but we are trying to find out who reports us to the principal."

My gut is telling me that there's a person who reports us to the principal." Said lee.

Angala said " yeah I think that too, but how is that possible?"

Malter said" we don’t need to find who reports you people, I'm already happy that I have you here."

"Are you sure?" Angela joked.

Malter said" do you think this is a joke, I'm really,really happy that both of y'all are here.

Lee ask" what would you do if the principal gives us dentation?"

Malter said" I would always sleep after school and not having fun, but now I'm very happy that guys are here.

Lee said " we love you  too

" Yeah, especially me, I love you more than you think. "

"I think my love for you guys is more than yours,because I am always there for you two." Said malter

Lee said" do you really,really, really think so? I think it is not about how we love each other, it is about  how we show actions.

Lee said all of that while he was looking angela in the eyes,it was like he was referring to her, which made her smile.

Malter ask" why are you smiling? Why are y'all smiling at each other?"

"Are you two people together now?  Malter asked them.

If only Malter could come in and learn that her two best friends are in love, but they haven’t told each other. But she doesn't know any of that.

Did Angela and Lee tell her that they like each other? Nope. Did they care at that time? Nope.

Malter said" you guys, let's promise each other that we will always stay by each other's back."

"Yeah, let's do it, " said lee.

"Ok" Angela looked into lee's eye and said let's do it. Malter was confused, she didn’t know that they liked each other but they were hiding it."

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